Y6S4 Universal ATTACHMENT SKINS - Plasma Pink, Crimson, Canary, Azurite ...
Welcome back to the channel, in this video, I'm going to show you the Y6S4 new universal attachment skins ( Plasma Pink, Crimson, Canary, Azurite). Enjoy!Twi...
Rainbow Six Siege Marketplace - Trade R6S Items | Ubisoft (US)
The Official Rainbow Six Siege Marketplace. Exchange items for R6 Credits or get that elusive weapon skin from a few seasons back.
Question about Canary skin and Firefly skin : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2018年7月20日 · Are they different skins and is the Firefly still a legendary? If you own both could you show a side by side comparison on the same weapon? This info is used to prove someone else wrong. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Both rare. Firefly pops more.
Canary operators skins in Rainbow Six Siege
Canary in Rainbow Six Siege database. operators skins images, stats, release date. Developers added Canary to August 9, 2016 during Operation Skull Rain. As for rarity, it's Rare and is worn for All. This skin can be obtained by paying 10000 to Renown or 240 R6 Credits.
R6 PC转主机【彩虹六号吧】_百度贴吧
R6 PC转主机..退坑了好几年,但是一直在看梅西gay和最近基宝的视频,年前两个月开始用手柄玩游戏,至今彩六还是没调好,年后入坑了XBOX,昨晚无论是排港服 日服 美服的快速都排不到人吖,5 6分钟都排不到,主机是强制
Is the “Firefly” universal skin still in alpha packs?
What's the difference between this and canary? uh so this is shiny? I only have blue nebula and plasma. Too bad I didn't get this one when it was in the packs. Is plasma pink also out of packs? And is the plasma pink attachment skin still in packs? I hope so, I've wanted it for years! I have it aswell imo no, but it is no longer available.
New "Firefly" Universal Legendary Skin : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2017年7月18日 · Just a little bit more flashy than canary... I don't know why would they put solid universal colors as unique legendary skins instead of just putting them into the shop for 10k renown..
Can Canary finally get in the site? R6 stream - YouTube
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Iana - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
她率先研发出了一种地形场景测绘软件,利用这个软件,她能将自己的实时虚拟影像投射到卫星或者无人机侦测到的地方。 这项技术先后吸引了Elena "Mira" Álvarez和六号的注意。 我与专家Nienke "Iana" Meijer第一次见面时,她跟我说,我手上的银茶匙就材质而言不像是一件精致的餐具,反而与我座椅上的钉子更加类似。 她建议我使用金茶匙,降低唇齿余韵的金属感,但在看到我往杯子里放糖后,她转而推荐锌或铜质地的茶匙。 简直棒极了,她简单直率的处事方式绝对能 …
R6到目前为止一共有四类瞄准镜,反射、全息和红点共10种,是1倍镜。 剩下的4种是2.5倍镜。 Kali和glaz的镜子暂不考虑( 【科普】R6所有瞄准..终于,最近一段时间稍微空了一点,找了两天资料把新的技术贴肝出来了。 本帖将介绍r6里面所有瞄准镜的原型,唔,希望大家多多回复吧R6到目前为止一共有四类瞄准镜,反射、全息和红点共10种,是1倍镜。 剩下的4种是2.5倍镜。 Kali和glaz的镜子暂不考虑(