Best Canning Jars? - Homesteading Forum
2023年8月10日 · Golden Harvest brand Mason jars for home canning are a lower-priced line of Mason jars sold by the Newell Corporation, which also owns Ball, Bernardin and Kerr jars. The …
Which types of jars from the grocery store fit canning lids?
2011年9月3日 · Del Monte refrigerated fruit (found in the salad/fresh vegetable cooler at the store) used to come in 24-ounce Ball jars and were safe for canning. But they switched down to 20 …
Regular vs. Wide Mouth Jars | Homesteading Forum
2010年9月6日 · Since many, perhaps most, of those who can today are older their canning habits were largely rooted in the use of regular mouth jars, probably before wide mouth came out …
Pressure canning with two layers of jars | Homesteading Forum
2012年6月21日 · If your canner is tall enough and you have a third rack, you can even tripple stack the jars, usually half-pints or the little 4 oz. jars. I've never heard of double stacking in a …
Old Kerr Economy canning jars - Homesteading Forum
2010年8月1日 · Kerr Jars Alexander H. Kerr founded the Hermetic Fruit Jar Company in 1903 and among the first commercial; products were the Economy and Self Sealing jars. The Economy …
63 canning lids - Homesteading Forum
2009年10月22日 · Heck back in 80s when I was married and canned, ran so low on jars that I found the #63 flats would fit lot common jam/jelly jars if you were creative and made your own …
"Main Stays" Canning Jars? - Homesteading Forum
2011年5月10日 · If memory serves you're supposed to discard canning jars with air bubbles in them because they can cause hot glass to shatter. When I'm canning up boiling hot jelly, with …
Cleaning old canning jars? - Homesteading Forum
2011年4月21日 · After jars are mostly dry turn one at a time upside down in clr mixture for 10 to 15 minutes, this is for the RUST. I used dishcloth to remove some then a serrated steak knife, …
Lids blew off jars - Homesteading Forum
2015年11月13日 · There shouldn't be any pressure difference in the jars and couldn't be if the lids weren't cinched down. When the contents drops to below 212 F, the pressure in the caner …
Moving- what is the best way to move my canning jars?
2015年3月3日 · Most of my jars have come from auctions, yard sales, etc. and I needed a way to organize and store the empties. Having them in the same size boxes as the originals lets me …