Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM - Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Canon's Air Sphere Coating (ASC) Minimizes Ghosting and Flare. Optical Image Stabilization at up to 3.5 Stops* of Shake Correction. Fluorine Coating on Front and Rear Elements to Help Reduce Smears and Fingerprints. Highly Resistant to Dust and Water, and Improved Durability Even in Harsh Conditions.
EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM - 产品首页 - 佳能(中国)
EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM ASC镀膜是佳能研发的镀膜技术,可有效抑制因光反射引起的鬼影和眩光。 为抑制镜片和空气边界处的光线反射,通常会在镜片表面实施多层镀膜。
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS II USM 鏡頭評測|搭載五級防手震
2018年8月2日 · 全新的 Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS II USM 將鏡頭口徑提升至 72mm,放大倍率進步至 0.27x,同時 IS 光學防手震也有5 級的水準! 小編正巧是小小白IS的長期用戶,從 2011 年購入至今也有 7 年多的時間,對小小白 IS 也算是熟悉,所以本篇也會進行前代後的比較,包括解像力、色散抑制、散景差異...等等的表現,對小小白IS二代有興趣的話可別錯過本篇的獨家首測。 8/3開賣! 建議售價 NT$39,900元(含遮光罩)
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM Lens for Canon Digital SLR …
2018年6月7日 · With the addition of our Air Sphere Coating (ASC) for reduced ghosting and flaring, the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM provides the outstanding clarity and performance you need to create your upcoming masterpiece.
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM Lens - B&H Photo Video
Buy Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM Lens featuring EF-Mount Lens/Full-Frame Format, Aperture Range: f/2.8 to f/32, One Fluorite Element & Five UD Elements, Air Sphere Coating, Ring-Type Ultrasonic Motor AF System, Optical Image Stabilizer, Internal Focus, Focus Range Limiter, Weather-Sealed Design, Fluorine Coating, Detachable, Rotatable ...
RF变焦镜头-RF70-200mm F2.8 L IS USM Z-产品首页 - 佳能(中国)
70-200mm焦距灵活应对多种拍摄领域 镜头焦段覆盖70-200mm的范围,且具备恒定F2.8的大光圈。 这一远摄焦段可以拉近拍大远处的被摄体,善于表现特写,且配合长焦距景深显得更小,可获得更加柔美的大虚化,让被摄体更加突出。
Shop Canon RF70-200mm F2.8 L IS USM Z - Canon U.S.A., Inc.
New internally zooming, internal focus F2.8 L-Series Hybrid telephoto zoom lens featuring an iris ring for manual iris control. Nano USM motors are used for two floating focus units that can work in tandem or independently providing fast and quiet focus - great for video.
Used Canon 70-200mm F2.8 L is II Lens W/Lens Hood and Case
2010年1月4日 · For consistently sharp results, the EF 70–200mm f/2.8L IS II USM boasts a powerful Image Stabilizer system that provides enhanced shake reduction for up to 4 stops* of shutter speeds. Two Optical Image Stabilizer modes are provided, with Mode 1 ideal for still subjects and Mode 2 ideal for panning.
Canon RF 70-200mm F2.8L is USM Lens - Amazon.com
2019年10月25日 · ALL-ROUND TELEPHOTO WORKHORSE - An essential workhorse lens, with a constant F2.8 aperture right across its 70-200mm focal length range, this zoom is perfect for travel, wildlife, news and sport. RESPONSIVE PERFORMANCE - Dual Nano USM motors bring incredible new levels of rapid and silent continuous focusing, perfect for stills or video.
Canon 70-200mm f/4 L USM EF-Mount Lens, White {67} - KEH …
The Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L USM is a proffesional grade telephoto zoom lens. Designed to deliver top quality images without as much bulk, weight or expense as a comparable f/2.8 zoom would require the 70-200mm f/4 L USM gives demanding photographers another option; a Pro's choice no longer needs to be between a 3 pound pro tele zoom and the ...
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