Canon DSLR Cameras: EOS Digital Cameras - Canon U.S.A., Inc.
2025年1月1日 · Shop our selection of DSLR Cameras. Explore specs, colors, and more from Shop Canon Business U.S.A., Inc. to find the right product for you.
Shop Canon Cameras | Canon U.S.A., Inc.
2025年1月1日 · With the EOS Webcam Utility Pro, you can use select Canon Cameras as a high-quality webcam to look your best. Discover our most advanced camera and lens series yet: blazing fast AF, incredible low light performance, superb image stabilization, sharp image quality, and so much more.
EOS微单/单反相机 - 佳能(中国)
Canon EOS - Wikipedia
Canon EOS (Electro-Optical System) is an autofocus single-lens reflex camera (SLR) and mirrorless camera series produced by Canon Inc. Introduced in 1987 with the Canon EOS 650, all EOS cameras used 35 mm film until October 1996 when the EOS IX was released using the new and short-lived APS film.
EOS R System - Canon U.S.A., Inc.
2025年1月1日 · Meet our ultimate camera system. At the heart of the EOS R System is the revolutionary RF mount, enabling major advances in both camera and lens technology. The large 54mm mount diameter, decreased distance between the lens and sensor, and supercharged 12-pin communication system allow for our most advanced lenses to date.
EOS单反/微单相机-EOS解读 - 佳能(中国)
如果觉得平时拍摄的照片有些美中不足,请一定要试试eos相机。 EOS相机兼具高画质和易用性,它不仅能拍摄出美丽的照片, 还能为您的生活增添更多乐趣。
首頁 - 佳能香港
EOS R1 的 2,420萬像素全片幅背照層疊式 CMOS影像感應器,支援十字型自動對焦 1,提供每秒 40張 2 電子快門連續拍攝及機內記錄 6K 60p RAW 及 4K 120p MP4。 新一代的雙像素智能自動對焦 (Dual Pixel Intelligent AF) 系統,新加入動作優先 3 自動對焦及註冊人物優先等先進功能﹐再配合眼球控制自動對焦 ,為自動對焦追蹤帶來革命性效能。 EOS R1 在短片拍攝上亦迎來了全新的變革,支援源自 Cinema EOS 的 Custom Picture (CP) 色彩預設,並首次加入達 16 級動態範 …
EOS专微相机-EOS R50 - 佳能(中国)
eos r50采用了第二代全像素双核对焦技术,在搭配兼容镜头使用时,在检测到猫、狗、鸟、人、车辆等被摄体时,对焦追踪区域可覆盖图像感应器最大约100%×100%(水平×垂直)的面积 ※ ,全面覆盖画面可见范围,便于决定构图后的对焦拍摄,此时相机还可从651个 ...
- EOS单反/微单相机 - 佳能官方线上商城
Canon EOS R50 V Camera Specifications
Canon EOS R50 V. Specifications. Operating Environment. 0 – 40 °C, 85% or less humidity. Dimensions (W x H x D) Approx. 119.3 x 73.7 x 45.2 mm. Weight (Body Only) 370g with card and battery, Based on CIPA guidelines. Canon EOS R50 V. Canon EOS R50 V Toggle breadcrumbs; Overview Toggle breadcrumbs;