Canon EOS-1Ds - Wikipedia
The EOS-1Ds is a full-frame 11.1-megapixel digital SLR camera body made by Canon in the 1Ds series, released on 24 September 2002. [3] It was Canon's first full-frame DSLR. [4] Its dimensions are 156 x 157.6 x 79.9 mm (6.1 x 6.2 x 3.1 in.) and mass (without a …
Canon EOS-1Ds Review: Digital Photography Review
2002年12月17日 · The EOS-1Ds is Canon's newest professional SLR. Based on the EOS-1D body the EOS-1Ds raises resolution to 11 megapixels, uses a CMOS sensor (just like the EOS-D30 and D60) and is the first Canon digital SLR with a sensor which captures a full 35 mm frame.
EOS-1Ds - 佳能相机博物馆 - Canon Global
佳能EOS-1Ds是一款专业自动对焦单镜头反光式数码相机,主要为需要高画质的照相室摄影师而设计。 EOS-1Ds采用新研发的35mm全画幅CMOS图像感应器 (约35.8×23.8 mm),允许用户充分利用佳能全线EF镜头提供的视角,达到与当前35 mm单镜头反光式相机同水平的不受限制的镜头性能。 EOS-1Ds将约1110万有效像素的高分辨率与RGB原色滤镜相结合,可以拍摄出高精细图像,在当时作为自动对焦单镜头反光式相机,具备惊人的高画质。 在进一步应对专业用户的需求方 …
EOS-1Ds - Canon Camera Museum
The Canon EOS-1Ds is a professional digital AF SLR camera developed primarily for studio photographers, who demand the highest image quality. Featuring a newly developed full-frame 35 mm CMOS sensor (35.8 x 23.8 mm), the EOS-1Ds enables users to fully utilize the angles of view offered by the entire range of Canon EF lenses, permitting ...
产品天地 - EOS数码单反相机 - EOS-1Ds Mark III - 佳能(中国)
介绍佳能数码单反相机EOS-1Ds Mark III主要产品规格的页面。
Canon EOS-1Ds series - Wikipedia
The EOS-1Ds is a series of full-frame digital SLR camera bodies made by Canon, first released on 24 September 2002. [1] The series was replaced in March 2012 with the 1D X.
EOS-1Ds Mark II - 佳能相机博物馆 - Canon Global
佳能EOS-1Ds Mark II取代约1110万像素EOS-1Ds,是一款专业的数码自动对焦单镜头反光式相机,主要为应对需要高级图像画质的人像摄影师和照相室摄影师的要求而设计。 相机采用新研发的35mm全画幅CMOS图像感应器 (约36×24 mm),当时作为数码单反相机,具备高达约1670万的有效像素。 EOS-1Ds Mark II实现了高分辨率、丰富的色彩渐变和更宽的ISO感光度范围 (ISO 100-1,600,L:50,H:3,200)。 35 mm的图像感应器尺寸允许用户充分利用佳能EF镜头 * …
难以撼动的王者!佳能EOS 1Ds MarkⅢ评测 - fengniao.com
佳能的EOS 1D系列已经陆陆续续推出了三代,专业的机身操作感受和成像素质都可以说是使用135画幅用户的终极追求。 EOS 1Ds系列更是在像素方面超越了EOS 1D系列,站在了时代的最前沿,是在商业摄影用户中炙手可热的设备。 EOS 1Ds系列更新的速度非常慢,但是每一代更新都是足以撼动整个数码单反市场的一记重拳。 时隔三年,在EOS 1Ds MarkⅡ依旧傲视群雄之时,佳能再次对曲高和寡的EOS 1Ds系列进行了升级,推出了EOS 1Ds MarkⅢ顶级数码单反相机。 佳 …
佳能EOS-1Ds网友点评 - xitek.com
EOS-1DS 是佳能2002年9月24日推出的全画幅(36x24mm)专业数码SLR。 EOS-1Ds的构造类似其胶卷AF SLR顶级机型EOS 1V类似,采用了镁合金材料和密封设计。 新设计的CMOS感光元件面积为36x24mm。
Exploring The History of Innovation: Canon EOS-1 Series Cameras
6 天之前 · Canon EOS-1D Mark II and Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II. Canon EOS-1D Mark II. The 1D Mark II announced in January 2004 and its successor, the 1D Mark IIN announced in August 2005 were Canon’s flagships for action and sports photographers. They both boasted an 8.2-megapixel APS-H CMOS sensor. While the megapixel count might seem modest by today’s ...
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