Canon EOS-1V - Wikipedia
The Canon EOS-1V is a 35mm single-lens reflex camera from Canon's EOS series, released in 2000. [5] The body design formed the basis for Canon's subsequent Canon EOS-1D and EOS-1Ds families of digital SLRs. The 1V was the last model of Canon professional film cameras before it was discontinued on May 30, 2018. [6]
Canon EOS-1V Review - KenRockwell.com
The Canon EOS-1V is Canon's top-of-the line 35mm SLR; their best EOS autofocus 35mm SLR ever. As Canon's top-of-the-line, the sales brochure is 32 pages long, and the "Technical Overview" brochure is 48 pages long. The EOS-1V contains everything Canon knows about making a top-notch professional camera.
佳能 EOS 1V – 胶片时代最后的辉煌 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Canon EOS 1V 是佳能史上最优秀的胶片相机。 这不仅仅是因为它的档次最高,而且也是最成熟,改进最完善的胶片相机。 EOS 1和 1N 档次也是最高的,但都有些许bug和BC问题,今天的价值甚至不如 EOS 3。
EOS-1V - 佳能相机博物馆 - Canon Global
EOS-1V作为EOS-1N的后续机型,是一款采用新技术的高级专业单反相机。 主要自动对焦性能:45点区域自动对焦提供约9张/秒 (PB-E2安装后)的预测人工智能伺服自动对焦,能高效自动追踪被摄体和迅速对焦。 高速连拍:连续约10张/秒 (PB-E2安装后)。 为了达到专业摄像师的苛刻要求,已经十分强大的可靠性得到进一步改善。 防水和防尘※性能较之EOS-1N和EOS-3愈加改善。 高强度的刚性镁合金外壳采用新的“触变注塑工艺”金属注射成型技术,轻松通过了约150,000次 …
佳能 EOS-1V - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
EOS-1V是Canon的末代底片旗艦機種,並在2015年停產。EOS-1V的機身設計沿用到了EOS-1D、EOS-1Ds和後續「1系列」的數位單眼上。Canon用了「V」作為後綴,象徵著這是第五代的專業旗艦機種(前有1971的F-1,1981的New F-1,1989的EOS-1和1994的EOS-1N),同時V亦代表 …
EOS-1V - Canon Camera Museum - Canon Global
The EOS-1V, successor to the EOS-1N, is a premier-class professional SLR featuring the latest state-of-the-art technology. Premier AF Performance: The 45-point area AF gives predictive AI servo AF at about 9 fps (with the PB-E2 attached) for outstanding subject tracking and blazingly fast focusing, all automatically.
佳能 EOS-1V - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2024年5月28日 · EOS-1V是Canon的末代底片旗舰机种,并在2015年停产。 EOS-1V的机身设计沿用到了 EOS-1D 、 EOS-1Ds 和后续“1系列”的数位单眼上。 Canon用了“V”作为后缀,象征着这是第五代的专业旗舰机种(前有1971的F-1,1981的New F-1,1989的 EOS-1 和1994的 EOS-1N ),同时V亦代表了 V ision。
【傳統相機】佳能Canon EOS-1V 展示手冊 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在區域自動對焦的橢圓內對被攝體對焦,eos-1v就可以測出那塊面積中哪需要最多曝光。 所有6種測光模式都運用了21區域權衡測光傳感器。 21區域權衡測光,使用了21區域測光傳感器連接45個對焦點,從而對以對焦的被攝體正確曝光。
Canon EOS 1V Review: A Fantastic and Versatile SLR Film Camera …
2022年7月8日 · The Canon EOS 1V is a professional level 35mm SLR film camera. Produced in 2000, it was Canon's top-of-the-line SLR at the time.
Canon EOS 1V Review – the Last Professional Film SLR from Canon
2022年5月23日 · As mentioned, the Canon EOS 1V is the pinnacle of Canon’s pro-spec SLRs. It therefore contains all of the best technologies that the company had come up with to that point in time. It was built to an incredible standard of robustness; a durable metal chassis and magnesium alloy outer body shell make it one of the most reliable cameras ever made.