EOS数码单反相机 - EOS 6D Mark II - 佳能(中国)
EOS 6D Mark II作为全画幅EOS数码单反相机,在上代的基础上进行了大幅改进。 有效像素约2620万,高达ISO 40000的常用高感光度画质可拍出高精细照片,另外,作为广受好评的EOS 5D Mark IV的兄弟机型实力不容小视,相机在自动对焦性能、高速连拍等方面都有很好表现。
Canon EOS 5D Mark II Full Frame DSLR Camera (Body Only) (Old …
Compact, lightweight with environmental protection, EOS 5D successor boasts a newly designed Canon CMOS sensor, with ISO sensitivity up to 25,600 for shooting in near dark conditions. The new DIGIC 4 processor combines with the improved CMOS sensor to deliver medium format territory image quality at 3.9 frames per second, for up to 310 frames.
Canon EOS 5D Mark II - Wikipedia
The Canon EOS 5D Mark II is a 21.0 effective megapixel full-frame CMOS digital single-lens reflex camera made by Canon, the first Canon EOS camera to have video recording capabilities. It succeeds the EOS 5D and was announced on 17 September 2008.
Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless Camera (Body Only), Full-Frame …
Boasting a higher resolution than its predecessor, this Canon mirrorless camera features a full-frame CMOS sensor with 24.2 (approx.) effective megapixels, letting you capture sharp, detailed images day or night, inside or out—even in low-light.
Shop Canon EOS R6 Mark II - Canon U.S.A., Inc.
2025年1月1日 · Achieve creativity in everyday life with the EOS R6 Mark II. The EOS R6 Mark II features improved resolution compared to its predecessor. A Canon-developed 35mm full-frame CMOS sensor with approx. 24.2 effective megapixels enables the camera to capture sharp and detailed images, even in low-light scenarios.
EOS专微相机-EOS R6 Mark II - 佳能(中国)
EOS R6 Mark II是第二代EOS R系列全画幅机型EOS R6的升级型号,是新标准全画幅专微机型。 与高性能RF镜头相配合,在速度和画质上达到新高度。 电子快门下连拍速度最高可达约40张/秒 ※ (自动对焦/自动曝光追踪)。 RAW连拍模式下最高支持约30张/秒,并支持约0.5秒预拍摄。 基于深度学习技术拓展了被摄体检测范围,新增对马、火车、飞机、直升机的检测。 视频拍摄基于专业影像制作的需求,支持6K RAW外部记录。 还支持6K超采样高精细4K短片,全高清180P高帧 …
EOS 微单相机-EOS M6 Mark II-产品首页 - 佳能(中国)
介绍佳能EOS M系列微单相机EOS M6 Mark II主要特点的页面。概述了EOS M6 Mark II的主要魅力。详情请浏览各技术详述页面。
Canon EOS 5D Mark II In-depth Review - Digital Photography …
2009年2月13日 · Three years on and two competitors have turned up in the shape of the Nikon D700 and Sony DSLR-A900, and Canon clearly believes it's time for a refresh. So here is the 5D Mark II, which punches high in terms of both resolution and features, headlining: 21 megapixels, 1080p video, 3.0" VGA LCD, Live view, higher capacity battery.
EOS 5D Mark II - Canon Camera Museum - Canon Global
The EOS 5D Mark II backs up high performance with strength and durability. The camera’s rugged shutter unit boasts an impressive 150,000-cycle shutter life while the body features a highly rigid magnesium alloy exterior that ensures reliable performance in the face of challenging shooting conditions.
Canon EOS 6D Mark II Wi-Fi Digital SLR Camera Body with BG …
The Canon EOS 6D Mark II camera puts full-frame performance into a compact, fully featured DSLR. Its 26.2 Megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and powerful DIGIC 7 Image Processor help deliver amazing performance and results, even at expanded ISO settings.
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