Understanding Your Liver Elastography (FibroScan®) Results
2023年1月16日 · Your healthcare provider will use your CAP score to find out your steatosis grade. Your CAP score is measured in decibels per meter (dB/m). This score will range from 100 dB/m to 400 dB/m.
一分钟快速看懂自己的“肝弹性检查报告(FibroScan)” - 知乎
其实,肝弹性报告就看肝硬度测定值(LSM)和 控制衰减指数 (Cap)这2个指标即可。 1.肝硬度测定值(LSM) 体现 :肝纤维化程度, 单位为千帕(kPa),数值测量范围是 2.4~75.4kPa , 数值越大,表示肝组织质地越硬,纤维化程度越严重 。
“小心肝”,三步教你看懂自己的肝脏瞬时弹性成像报告单 - 知乎
控制衰减指数 (CAP)反应的是肝脏脂肪含量,用来评估脂肪肝的严重程度,单位为分贝/米(dB/m)。 把自己报告单上的CAP数值对应以下表格,解读含义。
Fibrosis: Development - American Liver Foundation
2023年9月6日 · Your doctor will use your CAP score to grade how much fatty change has happened in the liver. A CAP score is measured in decibels per meter (dB/m) and ranges from 100 to 400 dB/m. The table here shows ranges of CAP scores, the matching steatosis grade, and the amount of liver with fatty change.
Liver Disease Diagnosis & Treatment - Katy Gastroenterology Center
Your CAP score is a measurement of fatty change in your liver. Your healthcare provider will use your CAP score to find out your steatosis grade. The CAP score is measured in decibels per meter (dB/m). It ranges from 100 to 400 dB/m. The table below shows ranges of CAP scores and the matching steatosis grade and amount of fatty change.
Your Fibroscan results explained - The Liver Clinic
Your "Liver Fat" score This is the Blue number on the scan - you will hear the medical community referring to it as the CAP score. The CAP score measures the levels of fat in the liver in decibels per meter (dB/m), this score ranges from 100-400 and can fluctuate over time.
The following table shows ranges of CAP scores, and the matching steatosis grades. It shows how much of your liver is affected by fat buildup. Normal livers can have up to 5% of fatty changes in them. A score below 238 dB/m means the amount of fatty change in your liver is not higher than normal. CAP Score Steatosis grade
Accuracy of controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) and liver …
2022年4月15日 · The good performance of CAP and LSM for the diagnosis of mild steatosis (S ≥ S1), advanced liver fibrosis (F ≥ F3), and cirrhosis (F = F4) can be used to screen for NAFLD in high-risk populations. Of note, the accuracy of CAP for the detection of steatosis in patients with obesity is reduced and requires specific diagnostic values.
Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP) and its promising role in ...
2021年3月5日 · Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP) is a new ultrasound-based technique for measuring fat content in the liver independently from the presence of fibrosis. It measures the attenuation of ultrasound waves (i.e. the gradual decrease of amplitude and intensity of the wave through a medium) and compares it with the attenuation in normal liver ...
Gastroenterology Tests - Lehigh Valley Health Network
Your CAP score. Your CAP score is a measurement of fatty change in your liver. Your clinician will use your CAP score to find out your steatosis grade. The CAP score is measured in decibels per meter (dB/m). It ranges from 100 to 400 dB/m. The table below shows ranges of CAP scores and the matching steatosis grade and amount of fatty change.