1942 (video game) - Wikipedia
1942 is a 1984 vertically scrolling shooter video game developed and published by Capcom for arcades. Designed by Yoshiki Okamoto, it was the first game in the 194X series, and was followed by 1943: The Battle of Midway. 1942 is set in the Pacific Theater of World War II, and is loosely based on the Battle of Midway.
1942 | Capcom Database | Fandom
1942 is a vertically scrolling shoot 'em up made by Capcom that was originally produced for arcades in 1984. It was later ported to the NES, MSX, Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, NEC PC-8801, Commodore 64 and Game Boy Color. It was included as part of Capcom Classics Collection for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 in 2005.
1942 | Capcom's 1940 Series Wikia | Fandom
1942 (Nineteen Forty-Two) is the first game on Capcom's 1940 Series, initially released on Arcades in 1984 and later ported to the NES, MSX, Commodore 64, Game Boy Color, FM-7, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, X1 and Wii Virtual Console. It was also included on the Capcom Generations Vol. 1, Capcom Classics Collection and Capcom Arcade Cabinet ...
1942 (游戏) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《1942》是卡普空在1984年推出的大型電玩平台縱向捲軸射擊遊戲,隨後也被移植到紅白機、pc-8801等平台。 2008年在 Xbox Live Arcade 與 PlayStation Network 發售重製版《1942:聯合打擊》(1942: Joint Strike) [ 1 ] 。
《1942》是 CAPCOM 在1984年推出的纵向 卷轴射击游戏,平台是大型电玩。 随后1942也被移植到 红白机 、PC-8801等平台。 游戏以 第二次世界大战 为背景,玩家操纵美军的 P-38闪电式战斗机,敌机则是日本风格的虚构机种。 全部有32关,以太平洋战争的战场为主。 另外《1942》在“炸弹”系统还没有广泛的被导入射击游戏时,率先加入了能够紧急回避敌人攻击的“空中回旋”,算是“炸弹”的前身。 和大多数射击游戏相同,1942的操作主要使用八方向摇杆控制方向。 另外有两颗 …
1942 — StrategyWiki | Strategy guide and game reference wiki
2024年1月27日 · 1942 is considered to be one of the defining games of the vertically scrolling shooter genre. Among Capcom 's earliest games, 1942 was one of the most successful. The subject of the game isn't hard to figure out. You play as an American pilot pitted against the entire Japanese Air Force during World War II in the titular year.
1942 - Videogame by Capcom - Museum of the Game
1942 is a Videogame by Capcom (circa 1984). Control a WWII-style plane over 32 vertically scrolling sea and landscapes. Shoot various types of enemy planes. Collect a variety of weapon power-ups.
Save 37% on Capcom Arcade Stadium:1942 on Steam
Add 1942 to your Capcom Arcade Stadium game line-up! Take to the skies in a P-38 Lightning! Perform daring aerial acrobatics as you make your way to the final boss!
1942 (Revision B) : Capcom : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet …
2018年4月10日 · 1942 is a vertically scrolling shooter for one or two players. The year is 1942, and you are a daring fighter pilot "Super Ace". You begin and end each of the numerous levels on an aircraft carrier and then fly your plane into battle against the enemy over both sea and land.
FC 1942 游戏简介 - 游戏下载 - 中古游戏厅
2021年6月9日 · 1942是CAPCOM在红白机上推出的第一款游戏,移植自1984年的同名街机游戏。 卡婊可以说是完美复制了其街机游戏,包括飞机从航母起飞时奇怪的莫尔斯码音效和唯一降落时可以听到的银行音乐。 整个游戏有32关,玩家从第32关开始玩,一直倒数到第1关结束。 游戏结束时除了一句Congratulations和击落敌机数量与击落率数据以外,再也没有其他动画了。 虽然整个游戏乏善可陈,但是从细节还是可以看出CAPCOM用心的地方:战斗场景从全部是大海开始,逐 …