Capcom began in Japan in 1979 as a manufacturer and distributor of electronic game machines. In 1983 Capcom Co., Ltd was founded and soon built a reputation for introducing cutting-edge technology and software to the video game market.
卡普空 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡普空有限公司 (日语: 株式会社カプコン ,英语: Capcom Co., Ltd. ,中国大陆官方译为「喀普康」,香港官方译为「嘉富康」,台湾官方译为「卡普空」) ,是一家日本的電子游戏开发商与发行商。
Capcom - Wikipedia
Capcom Co., Ltd. (Japanese: 株式会社カプコン, Hepburn: Kabushiki-gaisha Kapukon) is a Japanese video game company. It has created a number of critically acclaimed and multi-million-selling game franchises , with its most commercially successful being Resident Evil , Monster Hunter , Street Fighter , Mega Man , Devil May Cry , Onimusha ...
Capcon,华封科技拥有先进封装设备领域全球技术领先的创始团队和产品技术。 服务的客户有台积电、日月光、矽品、⻓电科技、通富微电、DeeTee等.公司产品对先进封装贴片工艺实现了全 …
About Us - Capcom USA
About Capcom. Capcom began in Japan in 1979 as a manufacturer and distributor of electronic game machines. In 1983 Capcom Co., Ltd. was founded and soon built a reputation for introducing cutting-edge technology and highly memorable franchises to the video game market.
List of Capcom games - Wikipedia
Capcom is a Japanese video game development and publishing company formed from a merger on June 11, 1983. [1] In addition to arcade and consumer video games, it also produced a number of pinball games and non-video arcade games .
Capcom USA > Home
Save up to 87% off fantastic titles during the Capcom Spring Sale! Get details on Ace Attorney Investigations Collection in our Dev Blog! Dragon's Dogma 2 is available now! Street Fighter 6 …
CAPCOM - 百度百科
CAPCOM(卡普空株式会社、株式会社カプコン)是日本 电视游戏 软件公司,成立于1979年。 总部在日本。 台湾登记名为“卡普空”,香港登记为“嘉富康”,官网简体中文页面及中国大陆登记为“喀普康” [1] [5],另在部分游戏中曾经用 日文汉字 写作“加富根”。 成立时原名“I.R.M.”,是一家电器零售商。 在1983年时更名为“CAPCOM”,并同时将其 业务方向 转为软件销售。 其 公司名称 “CAPCOM”是由英文Capsule(胶囊)和Computers(电脑)所合成。 Capcom公司凭借其《 …
2025年2月13日 · Find out more about the game and its special features! A new protganist and story emerges in the all-new entry in Capcom's Onimusha series, Onimusha: Way of the Sword. Reclaim your destiny.Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny returns with higher resolution graphics and modernised controls to perform issen critical counter attacks and intense swordplay.
カプコンの人気・名作ゲームがお買い得となる「CAPCOM SPRING SALE」開催中!ラインナップなど詳しくはカプコン公式サイトをチェック!