Should the first word after a colon be capitalized?
2017年4月19日 · And in headlines, uppercase any word directly after a colon. While a comma introduces a direct quotation of one sentence that remains within the paragraph, use a colon to introduce longer quotations. From The Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition (2010): 6.61 Lowercase or capital letter after a colon.
Capitalisation after colon in British English
2022年10月3日 · This is a specific use of a colon which indicates that the following words were quotes from the person. So. Truss: Ground should have been laid for tax cuts. means. Truss said "Ground should have been laid for tax cuts". In quoted sentences the first letter is capitalized, even if the quote is part of a larger sentence.
Does the next word after a colon have to be capitalized?
The O’Reilly Style Guide states “Lowercase the first letter after a colon: this is how we do it. (Exception: headings.)” The heading exceptions refer to “headline casing” rules which may apply at a sufficiently high head level. –
capitalization - Capitalize question after colon or not? - English ...
I am wondering whether I should capitalize the first word after the colon in the following sentence: I wondered: how can I utilize knowledge of algebra to reach my goals? All resources on the internet I found dealt with different cases, such as enumerating after a colon. However, I am almost putting a different sentence after the colon.
orthography - Two Questions: Capitalization After Colon; Syntax …
On the other hand, the capital should be retained—or a lowercase letter should be changed to a capital—if the syntax requires it. 13.16 Brackets to indicate a change in capitalization . In some legal writing, textual commentary, and other contexts, it is considered obligatory to indicate any change in capitalization by brackets.
capitalization - Should I capitalize the starting sentence after a ...
2011年2月9日 · Wikipedia: “In orthography, the uppercase is primarily reserved for special purposes, such as the first letter of a sentence or of a proper noun...” The capital letter means the beginning of a sentence. The dot marks the end of a sentence, not the comma. The capital letter cannot go after the comma because the previous sentence is not finished.
Punctuation after "P.S." - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年4月4日 · Postscripts. A postscript is usually important; therefore it should stand out. Indent its margin about five spaces from the margin of the letter. If it bears a date different from that on the letter, put the date above it. The abbreviation "PS." or "P.S." may be used or omitted. (If a handwritten postscript or note is added, type it on all ...
lists - The use of the colon before enumerations - English …
In §6.61, "Lowercase or capital letter after a colon," the Chicago Manual of Style says: When a colon is used within a sentence, the first word following the colon is lowercased unless it is a proper name.
Capitalization after colons in a list - English Language & Usage …
2016年4月25日 · Above is the list style I'm referring to. I intend to use it in a scientific Paper where I describe a couple of things. Using a lower-case letter after the semicolon looks wrong. Capitalizing the first letter on the other hand breaks the consistency with the remainder of the text where everything is lower-case, except for proper nouns. Any ...
Use of capitals and full stops in bullet points [duplicate]
"A vertical list is best introduced by a complete grammatical sentence, followed by a colon. Items carry no closing punctuation unless they consist of complete sentences. If the items are numbered, a period follows the numeral and each item begins with a capital letter. To avoid long, skinny lists, short items may be arranged in two or more ...