Caranx - Wikipedia
Caranx is a genus of tropical to subtropical marine fishes in the jack family Carangidae, commonly known as jacks, trevallies and kingfishes. They are moderate- to large-sized, deep-bodied …
Caranx - Animalia
Caranx is a genus of tropical to subtropical marine fishes in the jack family Carangidae, commonly known as jacks, trevallies and kingfishes. They are moderate- to large-sized, deep-bodied …
Species Identification Among Morphologically-Similar Caranx species
2019年3月6日 · Neighbor-joining tree of 51 COI sequences from five species of Caranx and Carangoides dinema (outgroup taxon) based on K2P distances. Sequence IDs followed by …
This study aims to identify and discriminate Caranx species found in Taal Lake and Balayan Bay through DNA barcoding and geometric morphometrics. DNA barcoding is an efficient …
Shorefishes - The Fishes - Species - Smithsonian Tropical Research ...
Widespread in the Indo-Central Pacific; vagrants in the Galapagos, Clipperton, western Panama and the SE Gulf of California.
This species is one of the largest of the carangid fishes, measuring up to 170 cm total length (Lieske and Myers 1994). The world angling record (IGFA) is 66 kg (Smith-Vaniz 1984), and …
Morphological Characteristics of Caranx sp. (A) Caranx …
Morphological re-examination reveals that Campylomyza serrata Jaschhof, 1998 is a complex of five cryptic species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Micromyinae). Die zur Unterfamilie Micromyinae …
Shorefishes - The Fishes - Species
Caranx caninus Günther, 1867. Pacific Crevalle Jack.
Shorefishes - The Fishes - Species - Smithsonian Tropical Research ...
Caranx melampygus Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833. Bluefin Trevally, Bluefin Crevalle-jack.
A review of the genus Caranx from the tropical east Pacific
Caranx species in the tropical east Pacific comprise: 2 circumtropical species (C. hippos and C. lugubris); 1 Pan-Pacific species (C. melampygus) and 4 endemic species (C. caballus, C. …