Carbon-14 - Wikipedia
Carbon-14, C-14, 14 C or radiocarbon, is a radioactive isotope of carbon with an atomic nucleus containing 6 protons and 8 neutrons. Its presence in organic matter is the basis of the radiocarbon dating method pioneered by Willard Libby and colleagues (1949) to date archaeological, geological and hydrogeological samples.
How Carbon-14 Dating Works - HowStuffWorks
2023年10月20日 · Carbon-14 dating works by comparing the ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-14 in a sample to that in a living organism, allowing for the determination of the age of formerly living things fairly precisely. The half-life of carbon-14 is 5,700 years, making it reliable for dating organic matter up to about 60,000 years old, with a formula provided to ...
碳-14 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
碳14( 14 C )或放射性碳是碳元素的一種具放射性的同位素,於1940年2月27日由加州大学伯克利分校放射性实验室(现劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室)的 馬丁·卡門 ( 英语 : Martin Kamen ) 和 薩姆·鲁本 ( 英语 : Sam Ruben ) 首先發現 [2] 。
Carbon-14 | Dating, Mass, & Half-life | Britannica
2025年2月20日 · carbon-14, the longest-lived radioactive isotope of carbon, whose decay allows the accurate dating of archaeological artifacts. The carbon-14 nucleus has six protons and eight neutrons, for an atomic mass of 14. The isotope also is used as a tracer in following the course of particular carbon atoms through chemical or biological transformations.
Carbon-14 dating | Definition, Method, Uses, & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月13日 · carbon-14 dating, method of age determination that depends upon the decay to nitrogen of radiocarbon (carbon-14). Carbon -14 is continually formed in nature by the interaction of neutrons with nitrogen-14 in the Earth’s atmosphere; the neutrons required for this reaction are produced by cosmic rays interacting with the atmosphere.
Carbon-14 dating, explained - University of Chicago News
Radiocarbon dating, or carbon-14 dating, is a scientific method that can accurately determine the age of organic materials as old as approximately 60,000 years. First developed in the late 1940s at the University of Chicago by Willard Libby, the technique is …
碳-14 - 百度百科
碳-14,核素符号 14 C,半衰期为5.70E+03a,是碳元素的一种具有放射性的同位素。 可用于标记化合物示踪,测定年代等。 碳-14作为示踪剂,广泛应用于农业、化学、医学、生物学等领域,具有极高的医用价值和科研价值,主要应用包括幽门螺杆菌检测、药代动力学研究等。 [6] 2024年4月20日,碳14靶件从秦山核电重水堆机组中成功抽出,这是中国首次利用核电商用堆批量生产碳14同位素,中国也从此彻底破解了国内碳14同位素依赖进口的难题,实现碳14供应全面国产化。 …
碳-14 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
碳-14的 原子核 由6個 質子 和8個 中子 構成,其 半衰期 約為5,730±40年,衰變方式為 β衰變,衰變過程中,碳-14原子轉變為 氮-14 原子。 在地球上有99%的碳以碳-12的形式存在,其次約1%的碳以碳-13的形式存在,而只有萬億分之一(0.0000000001%)的碳-14存在於大氣中。 1940年代, 威拉得·利比 在美國 芝加哥大學 利用碳-14的特性發明了 放射性碳定年法,並於1960年獲得 諾貝爾化學獎 [3][4][5] 。 由於有機材料中含有碳-14,因此根據它可以確定考古學、地質學和水 …
Carbon-14 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Carbon-14 is a radioisotope of the chemical element carbon, which has 8 neutrons in its atomic nucleus in addition to the element-specific 6 protons; the sum of the number of these atomic nucleus building blocks results in a mass number of 14.
Carbon 14 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Carbon 14, 14 6 C, has six protons in its nucleus and is formed in our atmosphere by cosmic ray bombardment of nitrogen 14, 14 7 N. Carbon 14 is unstable and undergoes radioactive decay by emitting a beta particle (an electron) and an antineutrino (zero mass, zero charge) and becoming nitrogen (seven protons):