Help us support people with addiction. We are committed to helping people to live a life free from the harms of alcohol or other drugs. We are available for everyone who is concerned about their own or a loved one’s use of alcohol and drugs. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – it can make all the difference, for yourself and the people around you.
Are you worried about your own or a loved one's use of alcohol ... - CareNZ
Are you worried about your own or a loved one's use of alcohol or other drugs? Contact a CareNZ Community Service in your area: Satellite services available in Matamata, Putaruru and Tokoroa. Please call 0800 499 469 for more information. Wellington: Lower Hutt: Phone: 0800 385 151. Kapiti Coast: Phone: 0800 385 151. Phone: 0800 512 512.
What we do - CareNZ
At CareNZ, we offer people with addiction – and those who love them – a wide range of services and interventions to make significant changes in their lives. Don’t be afraid to take the first step and make contact with us – it can make all the difference.
New Zealand’s Largest Healthcare Provider - HealthCare NZ
The largest health care provider in NZ. Health care services include mental health & wellbeing, nursing and disability services. Find a healthcare service near you.
Healthcare in New Zealand - Wikipedia
The healthcare system of New Zealand has undergone significant changes throughout the past several decades. From an essentially fully public system based on the Social Security Act 1938 , reforms have introduced market and health insurance elements primarily since the 1980s, creating a mixed public-private system for delivering healthcare.
In Home Care Services | Home Help | Caregivers
Care on Call provides high quality and personalised home care support services for people of all ages throughout New Zealand. Whether you live in your own home, a retirement village or a rest home; our highly trained staff are provided with the latest available technology to ensure that you or your loved ones have the best support available.
Home - CarersNZ
More than a million New Zealanders care for family members and whānau who are ill, frail, injured, or have a health condition or disability. But family carers can feel invisible, taken for granted. They aren’t getting the support they need to keep going.
Carers in New Zealand | Ministry of Health NZ
Carers are individuals, family, whānau and āiga providing care for someone close to them who needs additional assistance with their everyday living because of a disability, health condition, illness or injury. Carers make a significant contribution to the quality of the lives of the friends, family, whānau and āiga members they care for.
Koru Care is a Charity for seriously ill and disabled children
Koru Care (NZ) is a registered charitable trust. Our volunteer team work for no financial reward, donating time and expertise to make dreams come true for kids who have drawn the short straw. In some cases they have cancer, kidney disease or heart problems, in other cases they have lost the use of their limbs or have serious congenital ...
Care planning and care plans - Healthify
2024年12月19日 · A care plan is useful if you have an ongoing health condition or have several people involved in your care. It’s designed to help you manage your conditions as well as possible, prevent complications, and achieve your health-related goals with the support of your healthcare team and whānau.