Caretreat 2 Diesel is a liquid blend of nitrite, borate and polymer based corrosion inhibi- tors with a suitable buffer to ensure stable pH conditions. Caretreat 2 Diesel protects the diesel cooling …
Caretreat 2 Diesel is a liquid blend of nitrite, borate and polymer based corrosion inhibitors with a suitable buffer to ensure stable pH conditions. Caretreat 2 Diesel protects the diesel …
Marine Chemicals - TechMarine Service
Test Kit Coolingwater - It serves to determine the Nitrite level in diesel engine cooling water and advise to add the respective amount of Cool Treat NCLT. It can be used for boiler water as …
of Caretreat 2 Diesel. Caretreat Bacteria can also be dosed as a prevention aid at 150 -250 ml/m3 per m3 cooling water. For detailed information on safety and health, please refer to the …
Water Treatment chemicals - Marine Care
We supply a range of water treatment chemicals for use onboard the vessel. CARETREAT 1 EVAPORATOR. For the prevention of scaling in sea water evaporators. CAREFLOC. General …
Caretreat Bacteria is ideally suited for the disinfection of Marine Diesel Engine Cooling Water Systems which have bacteria and/or algae infection. Diesel Cooling Systems have been prone …
Caretreat Valves has been formulated primarily for use in 2-cycle and 4-cycle medium speed diesel engines which are highly turbocharged and in which premature exhaust valve failure is …
Cooling and Boiler Water Products - Marinecare.nl
Diesel engine cooling water corrosion and scale inhibitor, for closed-circuit systems approved by all major engine manufacturers. Advanced organic boiler water treatment to control pH, …
Marine Care Holland - Corrosion & Water Treatment
Corrosion and scale inhibitor for cooling water system of diesel engines. Avanced organic boiler water treatment for alkalinity scale control and sludge conditioner. Avanced organic oxygene …
Of the tested chemicals, the list below shows the chemicals we consider can be used. Note that all chemicals have been tested at concentrations according to maker’s recommendations. …