Creating a more food secure world | Cargill
As a food company to the world, Cargill is partnering with farmers and customers to grow and produce more food with less impact, to move that food to store shelves and family tables, and …
Search Jobs and Careers at Cargill | Working at Cargill
At Cargill, you'll connect with something greater than yourself and achieve your higher purpose. With 160,000 employees across 70 countries, you'll join our global network where we're …
Products and services from food to forecasting - Cargill
Learn about Cargill brands, products and services, from animal nutrition to analytics, food to financial services, supplements to sustainable shipping.
Cargill - Wikipedia
Cargill, Incorporated is an American multinational food corporation based in Minnetonka, Minnesota, and incorporated in Wilmington, Delaware. [5] [6] [7] Founded in 1865 by William …
Cargill Worldwide
Cargill provides food, agriculture, financial and industrial products and services to the world. Together with farmers, customers, governments and communities, we help people thrive by …
滋养世界 | Cargill 中国
嘉吉是一家提供食品、配料、农业解决方案和工业产品,从而以安全、负责任且可持续的方式滋养世界的家族企业。 了解嘉吉品牌历史和业务运营。 全面感受嘉吉。 © 2025 Cargill, …
嘉吉公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
嘉吉公司(英語: Cargill, Incorporated ),是美國最大(以2013年的年營收論)的私人跨國企業,主要事業是食品加工,版圖現已擴大至醫藥、金融、天然資源等。
Cargill: America’s biggest private company is laying off ... - CNN
2024年12月3日 · Cargill, the megasized Minnesota-based food production giant, is laying off about 5% of its global workforce as food commodity prices drop. Cargill is America’s largest …
Nourishing the world | Cargill Canada
Cargill is a family company providing food, ingredients, agricultural solutions, and industrial products to nourish the world in a safe, responsible, and sustainable way. Cargill Limited is …
About Cargill | Cargill China
Cargill is committed to bringing our world-leading technology, expertise and ideas to China. Our efforts have been dedicated to the modernization of China’s agriculture industries while …