Carl Holsøe - 47 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Carl Vilhelm Holsøe (Aarhus, 12 March 1863 – Asserbo, 7 November 1935) was a Danish artist who primarily painted interiors. Holsøe was born in Aarhus. His father was the architect N. P. C. Holsøe; his younger brother Niels Holsøe was also a painter.
Carlo Holse - Player profile 24/25 - Transfermarkt
1999年6月2日 · Carlo Holse, 25, from Denmark Samsunspor, since 2023 Attacking Midfield Market value: €3.40m * Jun 2, 1999 in Kopenhagen, Denmark
Carlo Holse - Vikipedi
Carlo Holse (2 Haziran 1999, Kopenhag), Samsunspor'da sağ kanat olarak oynayan Danimarkalı profesyonel futbolcu.
Carl Holsøe, Solitude, c. 1900 | Van Der Meij Fine Arts
Influenced by examples from the 17th century, like the Dutch masters Johannes Vermeer and Pieter de Hooch, Scandinavian artists like Carl Holsøe found much to fascinate them in the way interiors can shape an unspoken mood or sentiment.
Carl Holsøe - Artvee
Carl Vilhelm Holsøe was a Danish artist who primarily painted interiors. Holsøe was born in Aarhus. His father was the architect N. P. C. Holsøe; his younger brother Niels Holsøe was also a painter.
Carlo Holse – Wikipedia
Carl Johan Holse Justesen (født 2. juni 1999) er en dansk fotballspiller som spiller for den tyrkiske klubben Samsunspor. [4] [5] Den 31. januar 2020 skrev han under en fireårskontrakt med Rosenborg. [6] Den 16. juni 2020 fikk han sin Eliteserie-debut for Rosenborg mot Kristiansund. [7]
Carlo Holse - Oyuncu profili 24/25 - Transfermarkt
1999年6月2日 · Carlo Holse, 25, Danimarka Samsunspor, 2023'den beri On Numara Piyasa Değeri: 3.40 mil. € * 2 Haz 1999, Kopenhagen, Danimarka
Carlo Holse - Spielerprofil 24/25 - Transfermarkt
1999年6月2日 · Carlo Holse, 25, aus Dänemark Samsunspor, seit 2023 Offensives Mittelfeld Marktwert: 3,40 Mio. € * 02.06.1999 in Kopenhagen, Dänemark
Carlo Holse - Spelersprofiel 24/25 - Transfermarkt
1999年6月2日 · Carlo Holse, 25, uit Denemarken Samsunspor, sinds 2023 Aanvallend middenveld Marktwaarde: 3,40 mln. € * 2 jun. 1999 in Kopenhagen, Denemarken
Carl Holsoe - Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza
In his paintings, Holsoe employed a realistic, academic style, producing serious, painterly descriptions of his interiors. He developed a particular affection for interior subjects which reveal a strong structural sense, precise vision, and first-hand observation of the room and the light.
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