Solutions to shape the future | ZEISS - ZEISS Vision Care
ZEISS spectrometer solutions and components are perfectly tailored to bring value to the process control through efficiency, quality and stability.
Carl Zeiss – a biography | ZEISS - ZEISS Vision Care
In 1846, Carl Zeiss opened a workshop for precision mechanics and optical instruments in Jena. He focused more and more on microscope production. Soon he wasn’t just supplying the regional market, but exporting his products all over the world.
About us - Pioneer of science in optics | ZEISS Group
The company was founded in 1846 by Carl Zeiss, who anchored precision, a commitment to innovation and the creation of real value for customers and society.
History: Journey through the evolution of optics | ZEISS
The workshop for precision mechanics and optics opened by Carl Zeiss in Jena in 1846 enjoyed a sustained period of prosperity even in its early years. Ernst Abbe’s outstanding scientific achievements provided the basis for the formation of a global player in the field of optics.
Products and Solutions from the world of optics | ZEISS
As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of eyeglass lenses, ZEISS stands for maximum visual comfort. ZEISS movie and camera lenses, technologies for smartphone photography as well as spotting scopes and riflescopes offer outstanding optical quality for users with exacting requirements. In every moment that counts.
ZEISS United States
ZEISS is a local partner to the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries, biomedical research and medical technology, as well as a leading manufacturer of eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses, and binoculars.
Facts & Figures | ZEISS Group
In a spacious modern setting full of opportunities for further development, ZEISS employees work in a place where expert knowledge and team spirit reign supreme. All of this is supported by a special ownership structure and the long-term goal of the Carl Zeiss Foundation: to take science and society into the future.
Geschäftsbericht Carl Zeiss Meditec AG
2024年12月11日 · Im Geschäftsjahr 2023/24 erzielte Carl Zeiss Meditec ein operatives Ergebnis (Ergebnis vor Zinsen und Steuern: EBIT) von 194,5 Millionen Euro (Vj. 348,1 Millionen Euro).
ZEISS Standort Deutschland
Heute sind über 20.000 Mitarbeitende unseres globalen Teams in deutschen Standorten beschäftigt. Alleinige Eigentümerin der Carl Zeiss AG ist die Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, eine der größten deutschen Stiftungen zur Förderung der Wissenschaft.
ZEISS Karriere | Dafür brauchen wir Dich. - ZEISS Vision Care
Im globalen Team von ZEISS bieten sich zahlreiche berufliche Möglichkeiten in verschiedenen Unternehmens- und Fachbereichen sowie den zentralen Konzern- und Servicefunktionen.