Carlo | Attack on Titan Wiki | Fandom
Carlo (カルロ Karuro?) was a soldier of the Marleyan military and a member of the Panzer Unit (パンツァー隊 Pantsā-tai?). Carlo was a young Marleyan boy of short stature and slim build. He had a rounded nose and short blond hair parted down the middle. He wore round-rimmed glasses at all times as well as a standard Marleyan military uniform.
Carlo (Anime) | Attack on Titan Wiki | Fandom
Carlo (カルロ Karuro?) was a soldier of the Marleyan military and a member of the Panzer Unit (パンツァー隊 Pantsā-tai?). Carlo was a young Marleyan boy of short stature and slim build. He had a rounded nose and short red hair parted down the middle. He wore round-rimmed glasses at all times as well as the standard Marleyan military uniform.
Carlo Pikale | Attack on Titan Wiki | Fandom
Carlo Pikale (カルロ・ピケール Karuro Pikēru?) is the commander (団長 Danchō?) of the Survey Corps. Carlo is a fairly tall individual with a long face and nose, prominent cheekbones and silver hair. When he was younger, Carlo wore the typical uniform of a member of the Survey Corps.
新任CEO和CFO接管截骨机器人制造商 AOT | 人事 - 知乎
总部位于 瑞士巴塞尔 的 AOT 开发了世界上第一个通过激光切割骨头的认证手术设备。该系统被称为CARLO,即冷消融机器人引导的激光骨刀。 CARLO 是 Advanced Osteotomy Tools 的机器人激光骨切割系统. AOT 主席 Erich Platzer 博士在新闻发布会上说: “
KUKA协作机器人+CARLO系统会给外科手术带来什么? - 搜狐
2019年9月22日 · AOT声称,其CARLO(冷消融机器人引导的骨切除术)机器人外科产品可以切割骨头而不会产生接触或产生过多热量。 此外,AOT还需要一个高精度的机器人来使用其激光器以及3D规划,导航以及控制软件和硬件。 它需要足够小以适合现有的手术室,同时在自主权和对医生的响应之间取得平衡。 解决方案. 根据AOT的说法,CARLO的设计“使外科医生能够以前所未有的精度,以自由定义的,弯曲的和功能性的截面配置执行骨骼手术,而这是常规器械无法实现的 …
医疗技术领域的 LBR Med:用于骨外科手术的机器人辅助激光系统…
2021年2月28日 · 机器人引导的激光切除术是外科手术的未来 共同孕育的“孩子”被取名为 CARLO,即 Cold Ablation, Robot-guided Laser Ostetome(低温切除术,机器人引导的激光骨凿)的缩写。对于 Hans-Florian Zeilhofer 教授而言,CARLO 代表了外科手术的未来,因为这种软件引导、机器人辅助 ...
First-in-man application of a cold ablation robot guided laser ...
2021年7月1日 · The investigational device is the Cold Ablation Robot-guided Laser Osteotome - CARLO (Advanced Osteotomy Tools – AOT AG, Wallstrasse 6, CH-4051 Basel) as shown in Fig.1.
CARLO - 机器人引导的激光切除术,用于骨外科手术 | KUKA AG
这次会面的专业交流以及两个专业领域在机器人引导的激光切除术方面的结合最终促成了 Advanced Osteotomy Tools AG(简称 AOT)的成立。 CARLO:用于骨外科手术的机器人辅助激光系统,借助 LBR Med
CARLO - robot guided laser surgery | KUKA AG
CARLO now combines a laser and a robot for bone surgery in the form of the new “cold” laser technology with a small, lightweight, tactile robot designed for direct human-machine cooperation. The system is rounded off with complex 3D planning, navigation and …
根据The Robot Report报道,AOT声称其CARLO(Cold Ablation Robot-guided Osteotome)机器人外科系统可切割骨头而不会产生接触或过多热量。 CARLO的设计能让外科医生以前所未有的精度,以自由定义、弯曲和功能性的截面配置来执行骨骼手术,这是常规器械无法实现的。
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