羧基 - 百度百科
羧基(carboxyl),是 有机化学 中的基本 官能团,由一个 碳原子 、两个 氧原子 和一个 氢原子 组成,化学式为–COOH。 分子中具有羧基的化合物称为 羧酸。 羧基是 羧酸 的 官能团,化学式为–COOH。 简单的说,羧基是由C、H、O三种元素构成的基团。 羧基的性质并非 羰基 和羟基的简单加和。 例如,羧基中的羰基在羟基的影响下变得很不活泼,不跟 HCN 、NaHSO3等 亲核试剂 发生 加成反应,而它的羟基氢比醇羟基氢更容易解离,显示弱酸性。 在 羧酸盐 的 阴离子 …
Carboxylic acid - Wikipedia
In organic chemistry, a carboxylic acid is an organic acid that contains a carboxyl group (−C (=O)−OH) [1] attached to an R-group. The general formula of a carboxylic acid is often written as R−COOH or R−CO2H, sometimes as R−C (O)OH with R referring to an organyl group (e.g., alkyl, alkenyl, aryl), or hydrogen, or other groups.
羧基 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
羧 ( suō ) 基 [1] [2] (英語: carboxyl group ),化學式–C(=O)OH [3] ,是羧酸所具有的官能团。一般而言,羧基上的氢有较大的电离倾向,从而使羧酸在水溶液中显酸性。羧酸根负离子所具有共轭结构可以看作是氢易电离的潜在动力。
羧基 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
羧 ( ㄙㄨㄛ ) 基 [1] [2] (英語: carboxyl group ),化學式–C(=O)OH [3] ,是羧酸所具有的官能基。 一般而言,羧基上的 氫 有較大的 游離 傾向,從而使羧酸在水溶液中顯 酸性 。
羧酸 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
羧基的 化學式 為-C (=O)OH,通常寫成-COOH或-CO 2 H,它是由一個 羰 tāng 基 [1] (>C=O)和一個 羥 qiǎng 基 [4] (-O-H)組成的複合 官能基。 羧酸是 質子 (H +)授予者,也就是 質子酸 (布-洛酸)。 可分為 脂肪酸 及 芳香酸 二大類。 螞蟻 和 蜜蜂 的分泌液中含的 甲酸 H-COOH、使 醋 有 酸味 的 乙酸 CH 3 -COOH...等都是常見的羧酸。 擁有兩個羧基的分子叫二酸,最簡單的分子是由兩個羧基結合而成的 草酸 (COOH) 2。 其他像是可在 檸檬 中發現的 檸檬 …
Definition of Carboxyl Group in Chemistry - ThoughtCo
2020年1月14日 · In chemistry, the carboxyl group is an organic, functional group consisting of a carbon atom that's double-bonded to an oxygen atom and singly bonded to a hydroxyl group. Another way to view it is as a carbonyl group (C=O) that has a hydroxyl group (O-H) attached to the carbon atom.
Carboxyl Group - Formula, Structure, Properties & Sources
What is a Carboxyl Group? Carboxyl groups are a combination of two functional groups attached to a single carbon atom, namely, hydroxyl (single-bonded OH) and carbonyl (double bonded O) groups. The carboxyl (COOH) group is so-named because of the …
20.2: Structure and Properties of Carboxylic Acids
The document explains the properties and behaviors of carboxylic acids, highlighting their molecular geometry, acidity, and physical properties. Carboxylic acids have a carboxyl group which …
Physical Properties of Carboxylic Acids - Chemistry LibreTexts
2023年1月23日 · Carboxylic acids are organic compounds which incorporate a carboxyl functional group, CO 2 H. The name carboxyl comes from the fact that a carbonyl and a hydroxyl group are attached to the same carbon. The carbon and oxygen in the carbonyl are both sp2 hybridized which give a carbonyl group a basic trigonal shape.
Carboxyl Group: Meaning, Examples, Structure & Applications - Vaia
2023年10月14日 · Discover the pivotal role carboxyl groups play in chemical reactions and their diverse applications, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. From the simplicity of its basic structure to understanding its polarity and making comparisons with the carbonyl group, this guide covers all crucial aspects.