CAD-300SEI Integrated Amplifier | Cary Audio
Quiet yet powerful, the CAD-300SEI unveils the true essence of your favorite recordings, allowing you to discern the subtlest details—from the resonant tones of a Steinway piano to the nuanced timbres of a Stradivarius violin. Uncover hidden intricacies …
Cary Audio Design CAD-300SEI integrated amplifier
1995年9月26日 · The CAD-300SEI is essentially two of Cary's CAD-300SE monoblock power amplifiers ($3800/pair) combined in one chassis with a volume control and a class-A triode line stage. The compact (14" by 14") 300SEI is a visual work of art, with a chrome chassis, shapely 300B output triodes up front, and angled output transformers.
Cary Audio Design CAD-300SE LX20 monoblock power amplifier
2005年3月5日 · This monoblock, powered by classic 300B Western Electric or derivative tubes, could provide 8–10Wpc, requiring the adoption of relatively moderate volume settings and/or sensitive, easy-to-drive loudspeakers. Cary also produced a lower-priced "integrated" stereo chassis, the CAD 300SEI.
CAD-300B | Cary Audio
2025年2月10日 · Home About Us Products Where to Buy Cary Blog Support Cary Store Contact Us CaryDirect.com
Cary Audio Design CAD 300SE Monoblock Amplifiers
There's a 'rightness' about the sound, an ease and microdynamic tactility, that I've never experienced with big push-pull tube amps or with solid state. Speaker matching is important, …
- 评论数: 11
顛覆你對300B單端機的想像-Cary CAD-300SEI真空管綜擴 - U …
如今,Cary選用的是市面上很好取得的Genalex Gold Lion 300B,如果不追求老管或名管,維護成本並不高。 Cary CAD-300SEI的機身不大,但是份量十足。 在兩支300B後方的是兩具斜置的輸出變壓器,都以金屬殼包裹屏蔽,後方居中還有一顆負責供電的EI變壓器,這三個變壓器是全機重量主要所在。 Cary打從以前就很重視變壓器的品質,他們的輸出變壓器內部的空氣間隙容量比一般的都大,採高品質的漆包線繞製,輸出效率高;他們的300B SET可以做到15W輸出,與變壓器 …
Cary Audio Design CAD 300SEI Integrated Amplifiers
lt is beautifully designed (cosmetically/electronically) and an absolute credit to Dennis and the people at Cary on its outstanding performance.
- 评论数: 16
Cary Audio Design CAD-300SEI integrated amplifier Follow-up …
And it's got those great pedigree-up-the-poop-deck Western Electric 300Bs, and those great boxes a matched pair of tubes come in. You've got that shiny, attractive chrome chassis topped with black, macho transformers and a trio of New Old Stock 6SN7s, plus the 300Bs fanned out to …
Cary 300SEI Integrated Amplifier - 10 Audio
The Cary 300SEI came with Western Electric 300B directly-heated triode tubes, which many of you consider to be the best 300B tube, and maybe even the very best audio vacuum tube ever made.
CAD-300SEI Integrated Amplifier | Cary Audio Europe
15 watts per Channel, Single Ended Triode design, Pure Class A, Integrated Stereo Amplifier with 300B output tubes. 3 stereo input pairs, Standard with remote volume control.
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