Pediatric and Adult Braces & Orthotics | Cascade Dafo
2025年3月3日 · Makers of Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthoses for improved mobility, including Fast Fit Chipmunk shoe inserts. JumpStart AFOs, DAFO 4 and DAFO Tami2 custom orthoses
Our Custom & Prefabricated Braces & Inserts | Cascade Dafo
Product information and videos for our entire line of Fast Fit shoe inserts, JumpStarts and custom DAFOs, all backed by our full 90-day warranty.
DAFO 4 custom SMO AFO - Cascade Dafo
Before & After: High Tone Pronation | DAFO 4. This before-and-after video shows a young boy who exhibits high tone pronation benefitting from the stability provided by a pair of the custom …
Cascade - Orthotic & Prosthetic Supplier
AFO Dynamic incorporates Ossur Flex-Foot ® technology and the energy storing properties of carbon fiber. The result is a strong, lightweight solution for people with varying degrees of drop …
Cascade - Orthotic & Prosthetic Supplier
The F3 Carbon Fiber AFO is energy storing and releasing, providing spring-like dynamic feedback to make walking easier and more natural. Foot Drop; Rigid anterior, lateral strut; Aerospace …
Cascade - Orthotic & Prosthetic Supplier
The TurboMed Pediatric Xtern AFO is a new treatment option for foot drop that is adjustable for child's growth. Its unique patented design acts as an exoskeleton to the impaired limb and …
Cascade Dafo - adaptive specialties, llc
Cascade Dafo has developed fast fit and custom shoe inserts and orthotics for pediatric users. These come in custom widths and lengths and come in a variety of styles to fit each need of …
DAFO 3 custom orthosis - Cascade Dafo
Her excess plantarflexion is improved by wearing DAFO 3s, Cascade Dafo's plantarflexion-block custom-fabricated AFOs. The DAFO 3 combines full wrap-around foot control with a solid …
Cascade DAFO: AFOs, SMOs and Inserts Infinite Technologies is a proud provider of Cascade DAFO bracing solutions. Cascade DAFO provides a variety of FastFit and Custom pediatric …
Cascade Dafo is the original creator of the Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis—commonly known as the DAFO®. More than 30 years of manufacturing, testing, and continuous innovation have …