What does this mean on Missouri Case.net docket entries.
2016年7月22日 · The case is simply progressing from associate circuit court to circuit court. She either waived or lost her preliminary hearing, which means the court found probable cause, or …
How long does it take before a filing appears on Case.net?
2013年8月5日 · The process is that a pleading, motion, etc is filed at the Clerk's office and "clocked in" at the desk by the person filing it.
Need help understanding what things mean on casenet in …
The answers submitted on AVVO by The Rogers Law Firm, LLC are for informational purposes only, do not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be advertising, and are not guaranteed …
How can I remove my record off of Missouri's "casenet" website?
2014年4月22日 · If it was a case that can be expunged -- a list of cases you can expunge is on the attached web site -- it will be taken off Case Net when the expungment order is issued. …
Is it possible for charges to not show up on case net?
2015年4月15日 · Some jurisdictions will keep the case off of CaseNet when the case is initially filed so not to warn the Defendant that a warrant has been issued.
How long can speeding ticket sit on casenet with no updates?
2023年5月14日 · The Prosecutor has 1 year from date ticket was issued to file it. Then they can just let it sit until the court clerk assigns a court date and files it on casenet and sends notice of …
In Missouri, if someones files divorce papers without a lawyer, …
2013年8月7日 · Cases filed in Missouri circuit courts (and some municipal courts) will be found on Case.net regardless of whether or not an attorney filed the case or the case was filed pro se. …
How long will a misdemeanor stay on case net? - Legal Answers
2017年5月23日 · I don't think that cases get removed from Case.net unless they are closed records (e.g. an SIS disposition after probation has been completed.) For a charged that was …
" why is my case no longer on Mo/CaseNet?" - Avvo.com
2017年10月13日 · " why is my case no longer on Mo/CaseNet?" The answers submitted on AVVO by The Rogers Law Firm, LLC are for informational purposes only, do not constitute legal …
How do I get a civil record taken off Missouri's case net?
2016年5月23日 · A few years ago I was sued for AC Rent and Possession after a long feud with my landlord. I was never evicted and eventually settled the case in an out of court settlement. …