GULFMASTER's shock resistance allows the sensors to withstand the harshest marine conditions. Barometric pressure difference indicator: Barometric pressure measurements are taken automatically every two hours, and the second hand indicates the difference between the most recent and previous readings.
GWNQ1000-1A | G-SHOCK MASTER OF G - SEA Blue, Light blue - CASIO
It features, in addition to the first-ever water depth sensor mounted on an analog G-SHOCK model, a barometric pressure sensor for predicting sudden changes in the weather, a temperature sensor for reading changes in water temperature, and a …
G-SHOCK GWN-1000 Gulfmaster - G-Central G-Shock Fan Site
The G-Shock GWN-1000 Gulfmaster is an ocean-oriented analog-digital model with the Triple Sensor (pressure with altimeter and barometer, compass, and thermometer), tide graph, and moon data. With Tough Solar power and Multi-Band 6 auto radio time correction, it is an alternative to other Triple Sensor models like the GW-9400 Rangeman and GWG ...
“海之强者”卡西欧GWN-1000/Q1000新旧海王「云评测」_男款石 …
2019年6月26日 · casio 卡西欧 g-shock gwn-1000b-1bdr 男士运动石英表 双显 防水 55.8mm 黑色 黑色 树脂 ¥2847.92. 去购买 看百科
G-SHOCK GWN-1000 | All Models | 2014 – 2025 | Module 5371
The Full Collection of GWN-1000 Models from 2014 to the 2025 (with Module 5371). Check out the latest GWN-1000 new releases, color options, limited editions, and detailed specs.
專為海洋而生 CASIO G-SHOCK GWN-1000電波錶 - Mobile01
2014年9月5日 · 有鑑於此,CASIO推出的G-SHOCK Gulfmaster系列,特別以「海洋」作為開發理念,打造出G-SHOCK GWN-1000這只全新錶款,內部搭載第三代感測器,可用來偵測大氣壓力、相對高度、溫度、方位、潮汐、月齡...等等的數值以及變化,有利於從事海上或登山運動。
Casio G-Shock Gulfmaster GWN-1000 - BladeReviews.com
The GWN-1000B Gulfmaster by Casio is large and in-charge. It’s a watch that delivers a ton of information at a single glance. Its capabilities are slanted towards maritime applications, but it would (and does for me) preform anywhere that I’ve taken it.
卡西欧G - SHOCK航海系列GWN - 1000B腕表实测 - 搜狐
2019年5月18日 · CASIO卡西欧曾推出的G-SHOCK Gulfmaster系列,特别以海洋作为开发理念,打造出G-SHOCK GWN-1000这只手腕表,内部搭载第三代感测器,可用来侦测大气压力、相对高度、温度、方位、潮汐、月龄...等等的数值以及变化,有利于从事海上或登山运动。
多重馬達驅動結合電子錶冠開關,讓使用者能以直覺化的方式控制多種功能。 簡易的錶冠操作可進行海拔高度調整、變更鬧鐘時間設定以及在居住時間城市間切換。 錶帶結構延伸至錶圈,而錶帶和錶殼連接處位於錶殼側面。 圓形螺絲和墊圈將錶帶確實連接至錶殼,從錶殼到錶帶的曲面造型,讓您能在手腕上舒適服貼地配戴手錶。 兩個白色 LED 燈可在指針和 LCD 上投射明亮照明,搭配夜光塗料使用,即可確保在黑暗下仍清晰可見。 此功能會暫時縮回手錶指針,以免在測量功能下 …
Casio G-Shock GWN1000B Master of G Series Quality Watch
2014年6月4日 · Buy Casio G-Shock GWN1000B Master of G Series Quality Watch - Black / One Size and other Wrist Watches at Amazon.com. Our wide selection is eligible for free shipping and free returns.
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