Casspir - Wikipedia
The Casspir is a Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle that has been in use in South Africa since the 1980s. It is a four-wheeled, four-wheel drive vehicle, used for transport of troops. It can hold a crew of two, plus 12 additional soldiers and associated equipment.
Casspir - Tank Encyclopedia
Aug 27, 2017 · The Casspir is the first enclosed monocoque hull MPV to enter military service anywhere in the world and is regarded by military analysts as the grandfather for all subsequent MPV designs. The Casspir set the standard for modern MRAP vehicles fielded by the United States of America and most Western nations.
Casspir MPV – Indian Army - bharat-rakshak.com
Oct 12, 2006 · In August 1998, then-incumbent Chief of Army Staff, General Ved Prakash Malik, announced that India had purchased 90 ‘reconditioned’ Casspir mine-protected vehicles (MPVs) for the Army and Para-Military forces in Jammu & Kashmir. It is designed to protect its crew from mine blasts and is capable of being rapidly repaired in the field.
Casspir Mk II: The Ultimate Armoured Vehicle - Osprea
The Casspir mine-protected vehicle (MPV) is one of the first to use the V-shaped monocoque hull and is undoubtedly one of the world leaders in its field with over 2,000 in service in several countries and an enviable record as a life preserver in mine incidents and as the ideal choice for force protection.
CASSPIR®NG2000 is the flag ship of all CASSPIR vehicles – Everything and more that you need from a proven MPV. OM926LA identified for the CASSPIR NG2000 series is the latest development for specific Military application. This engine is also used in …
Casspir - GlobalSecurity.org
Jun 30, 2016 · The Casspir mine-protected vehicle (MPV) was one of the first to use the V-shaped monocoque hull and is undoubtedly one of the world's leaders in its field with over...
Casspir - Army Guide
Casspir is the MPV of choice for employment in mine-infested areas by several security forces and by organisations employed in humanitarian operations. Several variants are currently in service, all of which include triple mine protection for the occupants.
Casspir NG 2000 - Army Guide
The CASSPIR is the vehicle of choice for demining or military operations and has been used from Afghanistan to Mozambique, by the United Nations, the SA National Defence Force, private security companies and police services around the globe.
Oct 13, 2018 · 这种防雷装甲运兵车可在世界上最危险的地形上作业,卡斯皮拥有极高的地面间隙 (达365毫米),再加上安装有V形装甲下腹部,有助于分散地雷爆炸能量离开船体。 它可以长途行驶 (在公路上行驶800公里)而无需加油,与所有轮式车辆一样,它比履带车辆需要更少的维护。 发动机和变速器位于装甲船体内,以减少地雷被引爆时造成的破坏。 卡斯皮有2名机组人员,其中包括1名司机和1名指挥官/炮手,车体可另容纳10-12名步兵,部队舱有6个射击口在车体两侧。 在 …
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CASSPIR Mk-I - Denel
CASSPIR-S retains the following “tried and test-ed” CASSPIR (MPV) features: ∙ Excellent rough terrain mobility. ∙ Simplicity and easy maintenance and repair. ∙ Availability of off-the-shelf spares. ∙ Effi cient mine protection. ∙ Effi cient ballistic protection against small arms fi re and shrapnel.