18 Motor Grader | Cat | Caterpillar
More power, more efficiency, improved emissions control and a wider moldboard help the Cat® 18 rise up to the challenge of mining operations. Technologies assist the operator and work to …
2015年8月21日 · Engineered for maximum production and service life. The 18’s design to the front frame, hitch area and rear frame provides performance and durability in heavy duty …
18 平地机 | Cat | Caterpillar
Cat® 18(18M3)具有更大的动力、更高的效率、增强的排放控制和更宽的刮土板,能够轻松应对采矿作业中的挑战。 多种技术可以为操作员提供帮助并最大限度降低运营成本。
New CAT 18 Motor Grader - Equipment ID: 1000007681 | Holt of CA
More power, more efficiency, improved emissions control and a wider moldboard help the Cat® 18 rise up to the challenge of mining operations. Technologies assist the operator and work to …
The Cat C13 engine with ACERT Technology gives you the performance to maintain consistent grading speeds for maximum productivity. Superior torque and lugging capability pulls through …
Cat 18 Motor Grader | Mantrac 中国 | Local Caterpillar dealer
Mantrac 提供最先进的 Cat® 技术,帮助您保持作业现场的连接,降低停机风险,同时提高生产效率和盈利能力。 我们能够提供灵活的融资方案,而且深知我们的产品和服务在提升您的盈利 …
18 | H-CPC
The 18 builds on the success of the 16 and offers additional power, a wider moldboard and the possibility to use a more aggressive blade angle, making it an ideal fit for mining operations …
18 (15A) - 2015, Tier 4 Final, Stage V | Zeppelin
18 bygger vidare på framgångarna med 16M och erbjuder extra kraft, ett bredare hyvelblad och möjligheten att använda en mer aggressiv bladvinkel, vilket gör den perfekt för gruvdrift med …
Caterpillar 18 Specifications & Technical Data (2021-2025)
See detailed specifications and technical data for Caterpillar 18 manufactured in 2021 - 2025. Get more in-depth insight with Caterpillar 18 specifications on LECTURA Specs.
18 Motor Grader - Terra Cat
Cat Grade with 3D for motor graders is a machine integrated grade control system that helps you get to grade faster with more accuracy, efficiency, and productivity. Automatic blade control …