Cat 302.5 Hydraulic pressure relief valve adjustment
2023年8月30日 · Hi All, I have a Cat 302.5 mini digger, All seems to be working fine apart from having no real downward pressure. If i extend the boom our a little, sit the bucket on the floor i'm unable to lift the digger but everything else seems fine, at least i …
Cat 302.5 Hydraulic Thumb Relief | Heavy Equipment Forums
2020年2月25日 · I recently installed a hydraulic thumb on our 2000 Cat 302.5 (4AZ01260) and have been reluctant to use it yet because I think we need to incorporate some form of relief into the system to avoid having the bucket overpower the thumb and damage the thumb equipment.
Cat 302.5 No Hydraulics - Heavy Equipment Forums
2022年4月4日 · I have a 2001 CAT 302.5, 3000 hrs, worked good in the fall, this spring i fired it up and no hydraulics at all. Fluid is good, filters are good, hydraulic disconnect solenoid is engaging, I pulled it off to confirm the action, check all electrical to …
Cat 302.5 problem - Heavy Equipment Forums
2013年6月10日 · I have a 2003 cat 302.5 ran fine 6 months ago. Went out to start it and it will only idle, no throttle response. I let it sit and idle for over a hour, thinking maybe if it ran for a while it might start operating properly, with no luck. I have plenty of …
New to Mini's Just picked up a Cat 302.5, have a few questions.
2014年12月11日 · Hi guys, I just picked up a Cat 302.5 and it has some issues I need to sort out. Anybody know where I can find used parts on the west coast. I need some body parts, a new dozer blade for it, and a few other odds and ends. Also, the engine wont idle down. It …
Cat 302.5 - Heavy Equipment Forums
2012年11月29日 · Cat 302.5. Thread starter Buck25; Start date Nov 29, 2012; B. Buck25 New Member. Joined Nov 29, 2012 ...
Cat 302.5 Mini Excavator problem - Heavy Equipment Forums
2013年3月28日 · I have a mini excavator 302.5 that had hydrolic hose busted on. I replaced 2 hoses and tested it to make sure that was the only hoses busted. After i replaced them i started it up to test it and everything worked fine, However Another employee took the entire seat out and disassembled the lower half before i got to it to fix the machine.
CAT 302.5 engine problem - Heavy Equipment Forums
2022年6月23日 · I have a CAT 302.5 with a 3013 engine, Prefix: 4AZ04565. The machine runs excellent for about 20 min then it will smoke a little blue/white, lose power, and run rough. The smoke smells like fuel. If I prime it a few times it will smooth out so I'm thinking it is a fuel starvation issue.
Cat 302.5 boom won’t lift while curling bucket
2019年1月17日 · Having hydraulic issues with a cat 302.5. The boom will not lift while the bucket is curling. (They only work together at an extremely slow pace.) Also it tracks to the right. Switched lines from one track to other and right was still slower. Figured problem must be in …
Cat 302.5 Arm will only swing one direction - Heavy Equipment …
2015年1月19日 · The machine is a Cat 302.5. everything works on it fine, but the arm will only pivot in one direction with the foot pedal control. It will gradually come back over hours of use but never past a certain point to the other direction. As soon as you press the pedal to the other side, it goes back perfect with plenty of power and speed.