Cat 3306b - Heavy Equipment Forums
2010年1月9日 · I found a spec sheet for Cat engines and it gives 4 different options for the 3306b. 245, 250, 270 and 660 hp. Kinda weird that one is 660hp. Here is the link.
Cat 3306B Power Loss Revisited | Heavy Equipment Forums
2022年12月9日 · As a recap, I have an '89 Ford L9000 with a Cat 3306B and 8ll trans. When accelerating under heavy throttle, at around 1600-1800 rpm, the engine loses power sometimes to the point of stalling. Shutting the engine off and restarting "fixes" the problem until the next time it's placed under heavy load, rinse and repeat.
Cat 3306B Power Loss/Stalling | Heavy Equipment Forums
2022年11月14日 · Hello! I've got a 1989 Ford L9000 dump truck with a Cat 3306B engine in it. While I was running up through the gears the other day, the engine just stopped pulling. It didn't quit outright, but wouldn't accelerate no matter the throttle position. I pulled over and parked, and the engine then slowly dropped below idle and died.
flywheel housing torque specs on CAT 3306B - Heavy Equipment …
2014年4月8日 · Just wondering if anybody know the torque specs on bolting the flywheel housing to a CAT 3306B block. Also the clutch specs would be help full. Thank you. Justin
Cat 3306B Power Loss/Stalling | Page 3 | Heavy Equipment Forums
2022年11月13日 · Cat 3306B Power Loss/Stalling. Thread starter Cory W; Start date Nov 13, 2022; Tags cat engine l9000 ...
3306B The good, The bad and The ugly - Heavy Equipment Forums
2022年9月5日 · Never worked on a 3306B truck engine but plenty of 3306's in loaders. I thinking the most common cause of head gasket failure would be bad liner projection. That's assuming someone was not playing around trying to get more power or just plain poor maintenance causing overheating and warped head.
cat 3306b camshaft - Heavy Equipment Forums
2016年8月22日 · As you did not give an exact S/N to be sure I just did a look at a 3306B Industrial engine to get some idea. This is what they said for that one: Specified camshaft lobe lift: Inlet lobe is 8.382 mm (0.3300 inch). Exhaust lobe is 8.382 mm (0.3300 inch).
3306 Cat engine - Heavy Equipment Forums
2010年2月3日 · I don't have any shop time on the 3306 but Cat pumps last a long time.First thing I would check after trying a straight pipe is make sure return fuel line is open.Then check Injectors.I know somebody pulled the head off a Cat engine with the Injectors still in and messed the tips up.If this engine has the waste gated turbo make sure that working.Seen one stick causing low powere and boost.Not ...
cat 3306b camshaft ??? | Page 2 | Heavy Equipment Forums
2016年8月22日 · About the only way I can see to check without removing the front cover would be if you had another 3306B that you knew was right. Then using dial indicator on one of the valve lifters and another on the top of the piston for that cylinder. Then make a note as to the relationship between the two.
1986 3306 cat engine injection pump timing - Heavy Equipment …
2021年2月2日 · 1986 3306 cat engine injection pump timing. Thread starter Bighead; Start date Feb 1, 2021; B. Bighead ...