卡特彼勒330D液压挖掘机参数配置 - cehome.com
Caterpillar 330D L Hydraulic Excavator - RitchieSpecs
View updated Caterpillar 330D L Hydraulic Excavator specs. Get dimensions, size, weight, detailed specifications and compare to similar Hydraulic Excavator models.
330 Hydraulic Excavator | Cat | Caterpillar
Cat® 330 hydraulic trackhoe excavators offer the ideal balance of control, digging, trenching, and lifting capacity all at lower hourly operating costs.
CATERPILLAR 330D Crawler Excavators For Sale - MachineryTrader.com
2024年4月4日 · Browse a wide selection of new and used CATERPILLAR 330D Crawler Excavators for sale near you at MachineryTrader.com
Caterpillar 330D excavator specs (2007 - 2025)
Caterpillar 330D is a Crawler Excavator manufactured since 2007, with a weight of 47.87 tons. It features a track width of 600 mm, a transport length of 14.83 meters, a transport width of 2.39 meters, and a transport height of 3.41 meters. The maximum horizontal reach is 13.85 meters.
330 液压挖掘机 | Cat | Caterpillar
Cat® 330 采用 C7.1 双涡轮增压柴油发动机和成熟可靠的后处理系统,符合中国国四非道路排放标准。 这款挖掘机经过精心设计和匠心制造,由专业团队提供无与伦比的支持,降低运营成 …
2019年10月17日 · Net power advertised is the power available at the flywheel when the engine is equipped with fan, air intake system, exhaust system and alternator. Rated speed at 2,200 …
卡特彼勒330D2L液压挖掘机-卡特彼勒挖掘机330D2L液压价格-参 …
卡特彼勒330D2L液压挖掘机具有以下优点: 1. 强大的工作性能:330D2L液压挖掘机搭载卡特彼勒C7.1引擎,具有出色的动力输出和扭矩特性,能够轻松完成各种施工任务。 2. 高效节能:采用先进的液压系统和电子控制技术,330D2L液压挖掘机具有快速响应、准确控制和高度集成的特点,能够提高工作效率并降低燃油消耗。 3. 稳定可靠:330D2L液压挖掘机的底盘和上载结构设计坚固耐用,能够在各种恶劣工况下保持稳定,确保机器的可靠性和持久性。 4. 操作简 …
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330D 3 - Scene7
gine The Cat® C9 engine with ACERTTM Technology offers better fuel efficiency and reduced . ear. It works at the point of combustion to optimize engine performance and provide low exhaust emiss.
卡特彼勒新一代CAT®330 液压挖掘机 - cehome.com
国四 CAT ® 330 配备 C7.1 双涡轮增压发动机,功率提高到了225kw, 是Cat 加强型智能机中最大的一款,标配的智能科技功能和自动增压挖掘功能,结合1.8方的大铲斗