cat - How can I create an expanding buffer? - Unix & Linux Stack …
2022年11月2日 · When using cat on large files, for example, there could be hundreds, or even thousands, of lines (I write a lot of things in a lot of files). Is there a way, without using setterm --resize, more, or less, to increase the buffer size on an …
How does cat 'know' the optimum block size to use?
2017年4月13日 · From reading this, it seems that when copying data to a different hard drive, cat automatically uses the optimum block size (or very near it). I wonder how it determines the optimum block size, and whether the method cat uses can be applied to dd somehow.
shell - How to turn off stdout buffering in a pipe? - Unix & Linux ...
2015年2月9日 · According to this the pipe buffer size seems to be set in the kernel and would require you to recompile your kernel to alter.
cat - Command to output file content to stdout? - Unix & Linux …
I know cat can do this, but its main purpose is to concatenate rather than just displaying the content. The purpose of cat is exactly that, read a file and output to stdout.
cat - How to append data to buffer in shell script? - Unix & Linux ...
2015年9月17日 · I'd like to do following using shell script: (for simplicity, I use same data for INPUT. In real case, the data changes with loop label jj) #!/bin/sh for jj in `seq 100`; do cat INPUT.file >...
I don't understand `cat` behaviour when running `cat | ls`
2021年10月19日 · 2 cat without an argument will read from stdin, waiting until the first line is entered since stdin is line buffered when referring to an interactive device, and output it to its stdout, which is redirected to the stdin of ls. ls does not read from stdin at all, so it will simply output the list of files to stdout and exit.
Does cat use lazy evaluation? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2020年4月2日 · The cat command will only push data to its standard output, and it will block whenever the pipe buffer between it and strings is full and nobody is reading. cat does minimal buffering by itself, and the pipe buffer is typically small.
Getting tmux to copy a buffer to the clipboard
Here documents need newlines. For example, in a shell script, you can write cat <<EOF >somefile; echo done file contents EOF I don't think tmux lets you put newlines there, and even if it did, this wouldn't be a good approach. What if the data itself contains HERE alone on a line (e.g. because you're copying your .tmux.conf)? I suggest to write the buffer contents to a temporary file. Untested ...
How to clear the /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe quickly?
2023年6月5日 · The thing is, the trace_pipe file doesn't have EOF (End Of File). this cat command will never end, and will keep waiting for new events indefinitely. Maybe that's the reason you think it takes a long time - this command will never finish, either waiting for new events or reading them when they appear. Clearing the buffer from trace and trace_pipe
How to use /dev/fb0 as a console from userspace, or output text …
2014年12月19日 · If you can cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0 and get random pixels on the screen, you have all you need. In my case I needed to dump some text info. I tested this in busybox and raspi, so it might work for you. The answer might be a little bit long, since if you don't use some console you will need to print the pixels of chars yourself.