Pros and Cons & Thoughts CAT C7 engine - Expedite Trucking …
2016年12月8日 · I'm in the process of buying another truck, It's a M2 business-class with a C7 engine and Eaton ultra shift. It's a expediters so I will be running long haul. Is this a good engine??? Please tell me your experience with this engine. …
I despise the CAT C7. - Expedite Trucking Forums
2014年10月26日 · A buddy of mine has an '04 Freightliner M2 with a CAT C7. Approx 350k miles. He was finished for the day and was cruising home unloaded when poof, it's blowing light colored smoke and it's down on power and misfiring. He limped it back home. We started dicking around with injectors. Replaced injector on #6 cyl.
Cat C-7 | Expedite Trucking Forums - expeditersonline.com
2012年7月31日 · The C-7 in particular the early models, I think from 2002-2004 had alot of Huei pump issues which led to injector, head & turbo failures. CAT is n ot known for honoring warrenties on the c-7. Granted I have heard more horror stories than positive ones. It always seems that way. CAT made alot of these engines.
Mechanical Caterpillar C7 ACERT Missing and Blowby. (Video)
2018年6月7日 · Sometimes you can get a rebuilt engine which is where a cat sanctioned shop overhauls engines with cat parts to cat standards. Generally a good product with mostly new/rebuilt stuff so dealer basically swaps one engine for another. Faster, maybe better warranty options,pricier, faster than a local overhaul.
Cat C7 white smoke - Expedite Trucking Forums
2013年11月7日 · Quoted from a blog found here; ENGINES FOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT & MORE: C7 and C9 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines/ Air Inlet Heater Circuit - Test This blog is hard to navigate and I have not figured out how the search feature works, but, when you have time, scroll toward the bottom of the page and there is a wealth of info on the C7/C9 there.
C-7 Cat engine - Expedite Trucking Forums
2008年4月6日 · The Cat C7 is the newest version of the 3126. Not exactly sure of the year it changed, but believe it was 2004. 210 HP was all I ever ran in my 26000 GVW 24 foot Sterling. It gave me 11 miles to the gallon and did me a good job. You can look back at previous posts on the 3126. There has been several of them.
Cat C7 white smoke | Page 2 - Expedite Trucking Forums
2013年11月7日 · You may not be reaching a needed operating temp to make the Cat sing on tune. That being said, the only time I had excessive white smoke was right before the HUEI pump failed, but it was a steady smoke bomb for about 30 miles and eventually quit two miles from the Cat dealer I was headed to.
Freightliner m2 with cat c7 engine low temperature showing
2013年6月12日 · Check your coolant level, and mix ratio with a hydrometer. Too heavy on the coolant might cause a false low or high temp. A chemistry test will also help the test strips tell you if you need SCA. You can pick up test strips at a Detroit Allison dealership for arround ten bucks for a dozen Im sure you can get them at a Cat dealership.
Cat Coolant in Fuel - Expedite Trucking Forums
2012年4月28日 · '06 Cat C9 ACERT 700,000 mi.s No APU No Espar or other fuel fired type coolant heaters No fuel dilution in Polaris labs Oil Analysis (<1% - Estimate) No postassium in Oil (0) so no coolant in oil Motor has not run hot, if anything, too cool 185 to 190 degree area Added a quart of coolant in 50,000 mi.s Motor has no EGR or DPF
Turbo charger/waste gate - Expedite Trucking Forums
2003年4月29日 · This is for readers to add to their files for further reference. On my Cat 3126, just below the turbo charger is a small cup size metal container, which contains the waste gate for the turbo. One of the functions of this valve is to relieve the pressure in the turbo, so as to keep seals from being blown.