Combine STERNA TNF with highly accurate devices (JIM Compact, MOSKITO TI or PLRF25C) to complete the system and get a target location error CE90 CAT I at any latitude range. STERNA System is independent of GPS signals and therefore remains operational in GPS denied areas or areas aff ected by GPS spoofi ng.
The STERNA system with laser target designator provides TLE CAT I (CE90) capabilities for the most demanding close air support missions. Man-portable system. Requires only one operator. Depending on confi guration perfect for missions from short to long ranges.
TLE CAT I/II (CE90) system capability at any time anywhere with STERNA TNF 45 and all Safran payload portfolio.
SMARTAC – Technologies to enhance mission superiority for the …
Gyroscope based target acquisition system that provides CAT I coordinates for up to 4.4 km in GNSS denied areas
True North Finding: CAT I capability with gyro-based northfinder and our payloads Digital Magnetic Compass: Best-in-class digital magnetic compasses with heading accuracy of 4.4 mil Mapping: Avoid collateral damage / Check plausability of target information / Correct target location to increase accuracy GNSS DENIED AREAS
Provide TLE CE90 CAT I up to 1.5km (Technical data). The lightest configuration for the STERNA system (<3kg/7 lbs). All you need for calling for fire during day time. Typical application: Joint Terminal Attack Controller Forward Air Controller Mortar Fire Controller Forward Observer Joint Fires Observer STERNA + MOSKITO Provide TLE CE90 CAT II ...
测量中CE90与RMSE? - 知乎
ce90是 圆概率误差,一般用来表达平面精度,LE90是线概率误差一般用来表达 高程精度。 我想知道如何在EXCEL实现CE90、LE90和RMSE之间的转换,另外RMSE是否就是平常说的中误差? 查了很多资料一…
卫星遥感影像平面(水平)和垂直精度指标 - CSDN博客
2023年8月18日 · 在遥感测绘领域,常用的衡量图像的平面(水平)和垂直精度指标为均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)、 90%概率下的圆误差(Circular Error at 90% Probability, CE90)和90%概率下的线误差 (Line Error at 90% Probability, LE90)。
TLE CAT II (CE90) at 10,000 m (≤ 45° Lat N/S) Optical daylight sight (5× magnification), night sight (3× magnification) System weight (incl. batteries and tripod): < 4.0 kg Goniometer with integrated computer for flexible use as
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CAT I (CE90) in combination with STERNA, even in GNSS denied/spoo fing areas · Seespot kit capability combined with Laser Target Designators allowing observation and targeting by only one operator
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