拯救翻译的CAT工具,你最爱用哪个? - 知乎专栏
译鱼君整理出几种常用的计算机辅助翻译软件,总有一款适合你哦! 1. 核心技术: 翻译记忆 (Translation Memory),目前世界上唯一适合专业翻译领域的计算机辅助翻译技术。 它能够使译员在较短时间内翻译大量文字,同时通过术语和风格的一致性保持较高水平的质量。 实践证明,应用Trados解决方案后,用户的翻译工作效率提高了30%~80%,翻译成本降低30%~60%。 3.非常强大的 神经网络数据库 后台,保证系统及信息安全。 4.支持所有流行文档格式,用户无需排 …
CAT tool – unlimited translation software - Smartcat
Get hyper-contextual, ultra-precise AI translations with generative AI in our industry-leading CAT tool. Generative AI technology provides accurate and contextual translations for various content types, including legal documents, marketing materials, and technical manuals.
技术与工具 | 国内外常见CAT工具一览 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
新手译员必看!为什么要学CAT软件? - 知乎专栏
CAT是Computer-Aided Translation的缩写,即计算机辅助翻译,注意这里的“辅助”二字。 CAT只是在你翻译的时候提供一些帮助让你的效率更高,而不是我们说的有道、谷歌、百度这样的翻译软件,它可以大幅度提高翻译效率和翻译质量。 CAT软件将源文本分割成较小的单元,称为翻译单元或句段(简称为TU)。 然后,工具会创建一个翻译数据库,用于保存所有源句段和翻译句段。 CAT搜索引擎让译员可以查看保存的句段、搜索相似的句段并进行翻译。 借助 术语库 、词汇 …
What is a CAT Tool? | memoQ Translation Technologies
2018年7月30日 · The term CAT stands for Computer-Assisted Translation Tool. CAT tools have significantly changed the way how translators work and manage translation projects today. CAT tools split large multilingual documents into segments (phrases & paragraphs) which are stored in a …
24 Top CAT tools (2025) | Redokun Blog
Cover all the basic CAT tools like translation memories and pre-translation; Supports integration with various software and tools you may already be using; Download their design application plugins to translate content from Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, and Figma; Generate reports and analytics within the software; Steep learning ...
有没有什么比较容易上手的CAT工具推荐呢? - 知乎
2019年9月2日 · 给你推荐个cat工具合集,带教程的那种~ 个人最常使用的是列表中的第一个,YiCAT在线翻译管理平台,对于新手来说容易上手,比Trados操作简单但功能强大完全可以媲美Trados,值得一试~
What is a computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool? | RWS - Trados
Computer-assisted translation software, commonly known as CAT tools, provide a range of features to help translators convert the meaning of text from one language into another consistently and with speed.
8 Best Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools to Use - Geekflare
2025年3月4日 · Want to translate your content faster to reach out to a global audience? You can use a computer-assisted Translation (CAT) tool. The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have made content publishing life easier than ever. Now, you can compose engaging social media copy, marketing emails, and blogs using AI tools.
职业译员为什么要使用翻译技术?为什么要使用 CAT 工具?