Caterpillar 797 - Wikipedia
Caterpillar introduced the 797B in the spring of 2002, replacing the first-generation 797. The 797B's increased payload capacity of 345 t (380 short tons) is a 18.1 t (20 short tons) increase over the first generation 797.
Caterpillar 797B Specifications & Technical Data (2003-2025)
See detailed specifications and technical data for Caterpillar 797B manufactured in 2003 - 2025. Get more in-depth insight with Caterpillar 797B specifications on LECTURA Specs.
卡特797B - 百度百科
797B为第二代,2002年制造,发动机为CAT的24缸柴油机3524B HD,排量117.1L,峰值扭矩达到空前的17218Nm,59/80R63轮胎是当前世界上最大的,直径为4.03m,重5.3t,每只造价约30000美元,外观上 发动机散热器 前仍布置一斜梯。 仍然采用卡特传统的机械传动方式,也许在今后相很长时间,即使其他厂商推出更大吨位的矿用卡车型号,797B也还将是全球最大的机械传动卡车。 外形尺寸:14.5m×9.2m×7.6m. 最大功率:3605马力(2650kW) 额定载 …
卡特彼勒797 - 百度百科
在2008年9月的MINExpo展会上,最新版Caterpillar 797F登场,此型号装备了排量106L的Cat C175-20 ACERT柴油机,最大功率比797B增加了333kW,为2983kW (4059马力)/1750rpm。 仍然保留CAT传统的机械传动方式(7速波箱),油箱容量达到7571L,最大设计车速67.6km/h。 整备质量260.7公吨,额定载重363公吨(400短吨),车箱容积堆装 (SAE2:1)267立方米。 位列2012-2013年度全球最大矿山车No.3。 [1] 卡特彼勒797,卡特彼勒公司旗下一款矿山车,荣获2000 …
Caterpillar 797B Off-Highway Truck - Construction Equipment …
The Caterpillar 797B is the predecessor to the 797F and second in the 797 ultra class line of off-highway, haul trucks. It is rated to haul up to 380 tons and built for mining and heavy-duty...
Caterpillar 797B: Specs, Dimensions, Dump, Engine, Operational ...
Dimensions Overall Length 47.67 ft in (14530 mm) Overall Width 30.03 ft in (9154 mm) Overall Height 24.88 ft in (7584 mm) Wheelbase 23.62 ft in (7200 mm) Ground Clearance 2.85 ft in (869 mm) Dump Height 50.17 ft in (15292 mm) Dump Ground Clearance 6.17 ft in (1885 mm) Dump Dump Angle 45 degrees
CaterpillarRock Trucks 797B Full Specifications
Here we provide full specifications for CaterpillarRock Trucks 797B
Caterpillar 797B | Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki | Fandom
The Caterpillar 797B is an ultra class mining truck. The 797B is one of the largest mechanical dump trucks in the world with the following characteristics [1]: This truck is so large that it can not be driven on the highway to location, so it must be taken there in …
Caterpillar 797B Specifications. Mining Dump Truck.
Learn technical specifications of Caterpillar 797B - a complete catalog of specifications and quick search of necessary information of Mining Dump Truck.
图文解说The monsters Caterpillar 797B(巨机CAT797B)制造全 …
2018年3月11日 · Look out接下来您将看到巨型矿卡卡特彼勒797B的生产全过程。可以惊叹 可以看热闹但更要看到差距,中国制造业与国外发达国家的差距不只是技术上的,更是理念和态度上的。
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