8 thought-provoking Easter quotes to inspire - Catholic Online
2017年4月5日 · LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - Jesus Christ lived a life without sin and selflessly gave it away for our sake. It's easy to remember that Easter is the celebration of …
John Paul II's Easter Message - Featured Today - Catholic Online
Here is John Paul II's Easter Message, which he delivered at midday in St. Peter's Square. 1. "Surrexit Dominus de sepulcro qui pro nobis pependit in ligno" (from the Liturgy).
Pope Benedict XVI: The Resurrection of the Lord is Our Hope
2009年4月13日 · VATICAN CITY (Catholic Online) - We present Pope Benedict XVI's Easter Message in its entirety. It was accompanied by his Urbi et Orbi (to the city and to the world) …
John Paul II's Easter Message - Featured Today - Catholic Online
VATICAN CITY, APRIL 12, 2004 (Zenit) - Here is the Easter message John Paul II delivered at midday today in St. Peter's Square. 1. "'Resurrexit,' alleluia -- He is risen, alleluia!"
5 Beautiful scriptures to remind you what Easter is all about
2017年4月14日 · LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - Turn to these scriptures to recall the amazing Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the true reason we celebrate Easter. We …
Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen! - Catholic Online
EPARCH'S MESSAGE FOR HOLY PASCHA 2003. Two thousand years ago, early in the morning, death and darkness were shattered by the brilliant light of the resurrection of Jesus …
Easter Sunday - Easter / Lent - Catholic Online
It is celebrated on Sunday, and marks the end of Holy Week, the end of Lent, the last day of the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday), and is the beginning of the …
One powerful Lenten message that you must read this year
2021年2月19日 · Lent is a time for us to enter a season of renewal by taking stock of our lives, preparing for the Sacrament of Penance, and professing our faith at the Easter Vigil. If I may …
'The Easter message of the risen Christ': Listen to ... - Catholic Online
2016年3月27日 · The glorious Easter message, that Jesus, who was crucified is not here but risen (cf. Mt 28:5-6), offers us the comforting assurance that the abyss of death has been bridged …
Benedict XVI's Easter Message - Featured Today - Catholic Online
VATICAN CITY, APRIL 17, 2006 (Zenit) - Here is a translation of Benedict XVI's Easter message delivered Sunday at midday before he imparted his blessing "urbi et orbi" (to the city of Rome …