CD1 - Wikipedia
CD1e is an intermediate form, a soluble lipid transfer protein that is expressed intracellularly. It does not present lipid antigens to T cells, rather plays a role in the processing of lipid antigens and loading them onto other CD1 molecules. [9][10][3]
一文搞清用于各类细胞鉴定的CD分子(附CD1-CD371分子功能 …
CD分子,又称 分化簇 (Cluster of Differentiation)或分化群,也叫 白细胞分化抗原,是不同谱系的白细胞在正常分化成熟的不同阶段及活化过程中,出现或消失的细胞表面标记。 CD分子对于机体的免疫反应十分重要,广泛分布于B细胞、T细胞、树突状细胞和NK细胞等免疫细胞的表面。 随着淋巴细胞的成熟,细胞表面表达不同的蛋白受体,有助于确定细胞类型和成熟阶段。 文末可下载完整的CD1-CD371分子功能表。 CD分子命名系统是1982年在巴黎举行的第一届国际人类白 …
CD1 antigen presentation: how it works - Nature
CD1 molecules present foreign and self lipids to diverse T cells and natural killer T (NKT) cells. Whereas the clonally restricted diverse T cells mediate adaptive immunity to microbial lipid...
人 CD 抗原完全指南 - Abcam中文官网
Current Understanding of the Roles of CD1a-Restricted T Cells in …
Here, we summarize the molecular properties of the CD1 isoforms, their lipid antigens, and CD1-restricted T cells, with particular focus on CD1a. We then discuss the roles that CD1a-reactive T cells play in several diseases.
cd1 - 百度百科
CD1: A Singed Cat of the Three Antigen Presentation Systems
2017年4月6日 · In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about CD1 proteins, their structures, lipid-binding profiles, and roles in immunity, and evaluate the role of CD1 proteins in eliciting humoral immune response. Keywords: CD1 proteins, Antigen presentation, iNKT cells, Glycosphingolipids.
The versatility of the CD1 lipid antigen presentation pathway
Here, we summarize evidence implicating CD1 molecules in a variety of disease states and review their unique features and emerging concepts of CD1–lipid presentation to T‐cells, highlighting the versatility of the CD1 system.
Mechanisms and Consequences of Antigen Presentation by CD1
2016年11月1日 · Group 2 CD1 proteins (CD1d) present diverse endogenous and exogenous lipid antigens to subsets of natural killer T (NKT) cells expressing semi-invariant, biased, or diverse TCRs. α-Linked glycosylceramides have emerged as major endogenous ligands that control the functions of invariant NKT cells.
CD1: A Singed Cat of the Three Antigen Presentation Systems
Despite these ambiguities and complexity, CD1 system draws growing attention and continues to show glimmers of therapeutic potential. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about CD1 proteins, their structures, lipid-binding profiles, and roles in immunity, and evaluate the role of CD1 proteins in eliciting humoral immune response.