CBFI运价指数 | Shanghai Shipping Exchange
中国沿海散货运价指数 china coastal bulk freight index
CBFI (Customers Benefit From Icesource): The Leader In The ...
2024年12月12日 · CBFI offers a wide range of products covering large edible ice making equipment, industrial ice making equipment, commercial ice making machines, complete ice making systems, and medium to high-end cold storage products.
CBFI, CORP. :: Massachusetts (US) - OpenCorporates
Free and open company data on Massachusetts (US) company CBFI, CORP. (company number 000489759), 64 GARLAND RD., NEWTON CENTRE, MA, 02159
Home | Shanghai Shipping Exchange
2024年1月18日 · 中国沿海(散货)运价指数(CBFI)编委会共39家委员单位的代表参加了会议,交通运输部水运局国内处周亮处长与会指导,上海航交所顾云凤副总裁、编委会主席单位中远海运散货有限公司副总经理陈延与会。 上海航交所运价指数编制小组汇报2022至2023年沿海(散货)运价指数运行情况,并对相关工作进行决议与部署。 参会代表围绕当前沿海散货运输市场热点、指数优化发展等议题开展了充分讨论,并沟通交流了各自在实际使用指数中的经验和问题。 …
中国沿海(散货)运价指数(CBFI)编制委员会第十八次全体会议 …
2022年9月28日上午,中国沿海(散货)运价指数(CBFI)编制委员会第十八次全体会议在上海召开。 会议采取线上视频的方式举行。 CBFI编委会48家委员单位的代表参加会议。 上海航运交易所副总裁顾云凤出席会议。 会议表决通过《中国沿海散货船舶日租金指数参数调整方案》,换届选举中远海运散货运输有限公司为主席单位,选举上海招商明华船务有限公司、宁波舟山港、瑞茂通供应链管理股份有限公司为副主席单位。 会议新吸收宁波泛泰供应链有限公司加入编委单位。 …
Popularization of CBFI
To fully reflecting the fluctuation of Chinese coastal transport market, SSE officially initiated China Coastal Bulk Freight Index (CBFI) on 28th November 2001 under the guidance of MOT.
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News | Guangzhou Icesource Co.,Ltd. - icemakerchina.com
CBFI's machines stand out for efficient, low-cost production, ensuring reliability in various applications. Flake ice, known for its unique characteristics, serves various purposes across different industries. Here's a breakdown of its benefits and applications: Versatility...
Cbfi LLC - Company Profile and News - Bloomberg Markets
Company profile page for Cbfi LLC including stock price, company news, executives, board members, and contact information
IQF Products | CBFI
CBFI®'s IQF Solution for Poultry Foods delivers excellent freezing results with unmatched stability and energy-saving features. Our customized services ensure tailored solutions to meet your specific needs, guaranteeing optimal performance and efficiency.