Community Based Forest Management Agreement | Forest …
Community Based Forest Management Agreement is a production sharing agreement between the Department of Environment Natural Resources and the participating people’s organization (POs) for a period of 25 years renewable for another 25 years and shall provide tenurial security and incentives to develop, utilize and manage specific portions of fore...
DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 2004-29 - Supreme Court E …
Concept and Principles - Underlying CBFM are the principles of social equity, sustainability and community participation in forest management and biodiversity conservation. Sustainable management of forest lands and coastal areas can result from responsible resource utilization by organized and empowered local communities.
111 : Community-based Forest Management Agreement
2021年9月30日 · An agreement between the State, through the DENR, and the participating People’s Organization that provides the latter with tenurial security and incentives to develop, utilize, and manage specific portions of forest lands, pursuant to the approved strategic plan.
Community based forest management in the Philippines
Under this order, local communities can obtain long term tenure rights to forest land and resource use permits (RUPs) from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), provided that they employ environmentally friendly, ecologically sustainable and labour-intensive harvesting methods. [5]
112 : Certificate of Stewardship | Forest Management Bureau
The CBFM strategy recognizes the individual rights of occupancy through the granting of the Certificate of Stewardship (CS). The CS is an agreement entered into by and between the government and individuals/families actually occupying or tilling portions of the forestlands covered with Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Agreement.
DENR Administrative Order No. 98 - 10 March 04, 1998 SUBJECT : Guidelines on the Establishment and Management of Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Projects Within Mang-rove Areas. Pursuant to PD 705 as amended, otherwise known as the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines, EO 263 entitled “Adopting
The establishment and management of CBFM Projects in mangrove areas shall be in accordance with DAO 96-29 and other policies issued on CBFM. Provided, that in case the mangrove area is within a protected area, the management of the same shall be in accordance with the provisions of RA 7586 and its implementing rules and regulations.
The Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Program grants to People’s Organizations (POs) the privilege to enter into contracts with private and government entities and individuals for the
Technical Bulletin No. 9 | Forest Management Bureau
Field Guide on the Conduct of Benchmarking and Impact Assessment of CBFM – CARP Projects The Forest Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources provides technical guidance to the central and field offices for the effective protection, development, and conservation of forestlands and watersheds.
(a) Review all People-Oriented Forestry and CBFM programs, projects, and activities of DENR to identify issues and lessons learned. (b) Draft policies, guidelines and procedures on CBFM; (c) Prepare and monitor implementation of the national CBFM program of action.