CBLB (gene) - Wikipedia
CBL-B is an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase that in humans is encoded by the CBLB gene. [5][6] CBLB is a member of the CBL gene family. CBL-B functions as a negative regulator of T-cell activation. [7] .
瞭望|药物发现的奇思妙想:最新Cbl-b 抑制剂 - 知乎
RING E3 泛素连接酶 Cbl 家族的分子 "守门员"(如 Cbl-b)在调节 T、B 和 NK 细胞的免疫激活过程中发挥着关键作用。基因靶向方法证明了Cbl-b负向调节T细胞功能的作用。
The co-crystal structure of Cbl-b and a small-molecule inhibitor ...
2023年12月16日 · Cbl-b is a RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase that is expressed in several immune cell lineages, where it negatively regulates the activity of immune cells. Cbl-b has specifically been identified...
CBLB Gene - GeneCards | CBLB Protein | CBLB Antibody
2024年12月24日 · CBLB (Cbl Proto-Oncogene B) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with CBLB include Autoimmune Disease, Multisystem, Infantile-Onset, 3 and Thrombocythemia 1. Among its related pathways are Class I MHC mediated antigen processing and presentation and Angiopoietin-like protein 8 regulatory pathway.
E3连接酶Cbl-b是CD28介导的信号传导的主要抑制剂,从机制上讲,E3连接酶Cbl-b通过结合和泛素化PI3K的p85β亚单位来抑制CD28依赖的PI3K途径。 E3连接酶不仅能阻碍CD28信号传导,而且能促进CD28信号传导。
Cbl-b: Roles in T Cell Tolerance, Proallergic T Cell Development, …
In this brief review, we summarize the major work that we and others have carried out investigating Cbl-b in T cell tolerance and autoimmunity, proallergic T cell development, and cancer immunity.
先声再明Cbl-b抑制剂、蛋白降解剂亮相AACR - 动点科技
2023年4月23日 · 据先声再明首席科学官Tamas Oravecz博士介绍,E3泛素连接酶CBL-b(Casitas B细胞淋巴瘤蛋白b)在多种免疫细胞内表达,通过促进泛素化作用,导致下游信号蛋白(如Vav1,PLCγ)降解,负向调节免疫功能。
Nurix:CBL-B抑制剂获FDA批准临床 - 雪球
2022年7月12日 · NX-1607是一种Casitas B系淋巴瘤原癌基因(CBL-B)抑制剂。NX-1607作用于T细胞、NK细胞和树突状细胞以增强抗肿瘤免疫力,在多种肿瘤模型中显示出单药抗肿瘤活性。
Accelerated Discovery of Carbamate Cbl-b Inhibitors Using …
2024年8月12日 · Casitas B-lymphoma proto-oncogene-b (Cbl-b) is a RING finger E3 ligase that has an important role in effector T cell function, acting as a negative regulator of T cell, natural killer (NK) cell, and B cell activation.
CBL-B——青云瑞晶靶点库蛋白 - 百家号
2024年1月6日 · Cbl-b全名Casitas B lymphoma-b(Uniprot ID Q13191),是一种RING-type E3泛素蛋白连接酶,属于CBL家族的成员,在人类中由CBLB基因编码。 E3 泛素蛋白连接酶,从特定的E2泛素结合酶中接受泛素,并将其转移到底物上,从而促进蛋白酶体对底物的降解。