F4i - Main Forum - CBR Forum - Enthusiast forums for Honda CBR …
2006年8月9日 · Honda CBR Forum Sponsors; Current Honda CBR Models. CBR 650f 2014-CBR 600RR; 600 Modifications; CBR 1000RR; 1000 Modifications; Other Models (125, 250, 400) Street Fighters; Past CBR Models. CBR 600 F4i; CBR 600F; CBR 600F2; CBR 600F3; CBR 600F4; 600 Modifications; CBR 600F 2011-2013; CBR 900RR; CBR 929RR; CBR 954RR; …
CBR 600 F4i - CBR Forum - Enthusiast forums for Honda CBR Owners
2024年8月24日 · CBR 600 F4i 2001 - 2006 CBR 600F4i Sub-Forums: CBR 600 F4i. Search this Forum . Forum. Last Post. Threads ...
Honda: CBR600F4i versus CBR600RR - Sport Bikes
2007年6月12日 · F4i • Introduced in the US market in 2001, and was an update to the carbureted F4 machine, part of the 600F legacy. The first F machine was the Hurricane and has been radically updated since (F1 Hurricane, F2, F3, and F4/i).
differences 600RR vs F4 vs F4i? - Sport Bikes
2006年9月12日 · the cbr f4 was made from 99-00. It was a carbed bike and the top of the line Honda 600 at the time. The Cbr F4i is basically the same as the F4, but fuel injected. Made from 01-present. In 04 they switched the style of seat to a once piece instead of a split seat. It was top of the line for a 600 until 03. In 03 the CBR600RR came out.
Just bought a CBR 600 F4i - Sport Bikes
2007年8月8日 · 2006 Ninja 500r - SOLD - 2005 Honda CBR F4i - 9000+ miles and counting "You can't carry a gun with you while you are riding your motorcycle... because you can't carry enough ammo to be satisfied." - Anonymous Proud supporter of DC UNITED!!! VAMOS UNITED!! GO C …
F4i Headlight Bulb Replacements - Sport Bikes
2005年5月22日 · Black/ Red '04 CBR 600 F4i - 286,700 miles and counting quick Black '89 Accord LX-i sedan - 438,700 miles still going strong Save Share
F4i Fuel Injection Problem - Sport Bikes
2007年7月19日 · New to the fourms here and I did some searching and I can find an answer to my question. I hate jumping on forums and right off the bat asking advice, but Im stuck. I have a 2001 Honda CBR F4i, I am have a promblem with fuel dumping into on of the cylinders, there are two holes in the back side...
cbr 600 f4i reliability??? - Sport Bikes
2008年3月9日 · Black/ Red '04 CBR 600 F4i - 286,700 miles and counting quick Black '89 Accord LX-i sedan - 438,700 miles still going strong Save Share
F4i - For-Sale / Trade - CBR Forum - Enthusiast forums for Honda …
2010年10月18日 · Honda CBR Forum Sponsors; Current Honda CBR Models. CBR 650f 2014-CBR 600RR; 600 Modifications; CBR 1000RR; 1000 Modifications; Other Models (125, 250, 400) Street Fighters; Past CBR Models. CBR 600 F4i; CBR 600F; CBR 600F2; CBR 600F3; CBR 600F4; 600 Modifications; CBR 600F 2011-2013; CBR 900RR; CBR 929RR; CBR 954RR; …
CBR Forum - Enthusiast forums for Honda CBR Owners
2025年2月24日 · CBR 600 F4i. 2001 - 2006 CBR 600F4i . F4i - Main Forum . F4i - For-Sale / Trade . F4i - Wanted. 2002 F4i ...