CBU-55 - Wikipedia
The CBU-55 was a cluster bomb fuel–air explosive that was developed during the Vietnam War by the United States Air Force, and was used only infrequently in that conflict. Unlike most incendiaries, which contained napalm or phosphorus, the 750-pound (340 kg) CBU-55 was fueled primarily by propane.
CBU-55/B油气子母炸弹 - 百度百科
cbu-55/b油气子母炸弹又称燃料空气子母炸弹,是由美国海军60年代中期研制的。 装备于美国海军、空军的A-1、UH-1、CH-46和CH-53作战飞机等。 主要用于清除地雷区和在丛林中开辟道路,也可用于摧毁工事破坏技术装备和杀伤工事人员。
CBU-55/B式油气子母炸弹 - 百度百科
美国海军 在该弹基础上发展了适用于高速飞机外挂、低空投放的 cbu-27/b 式油气子母炸弹,它具有低阻外形,投弹箱采用减速伞。 基本数据
CBU-55 - 华文百科
CBU-55是美国空军在越南战争期间开发的群集炸弹燃料 - 空气爆炸物,仅在这种冲突中很少使用。与大多数含有凝固汽油弹或磷的燃烧剂不同,750磅(340 kg)CBU-55主要是通过丙烷燃料的。该设备被描述为“美国阿森纳最强大的非核武器”,是为战争设...
2019年7月24日 · cbu-55/b油气子母炸弹美国cbu-55/b油气子母炸弹又称燃料空气子母炸弹,是由美国海军60年代中期研制的。装备于美国海军、空军的a-1、uh-1、ch-46和ch-53作战飞机等。主要用于清除地雷区和在丛林中开辟道路,也可用于摧毁工事破坏技术装备和杀伤工事人员。
CBU-55 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
CBU-55 là một loại bom nhiệt áp dạng chùm (cluster bomb incendiary device) được quân đội Mỹ phát triển trong Chiến tranh Việt Nam, với mục đích tiêu diệt sinh lực địch, dọn bãi cho trực thăng đổ bộ. Nó cũng được gọi là bom chân không, bom nổ khối, bom nhiên liệu dạng khí ...
Weapons — China Lake Museum Foundation
Second-generation FAE weapons were developed from the FAE I type devices (CBU-55/72) used in Vietnam. Rockeye II (antitank cluster bomb Mk 20), dropped from an A-4 Skyhawk, immediately after opening; fielded in 1968 and still in service, Rockeye dispenses 247 shaped-charge antitank bomblets; the dispenser is also used in the Gator air-delivered ...
Thermobarics – Developments and Deployments - European …
2022年11月10日 · The US produced some of its first thermobarics for use in Vietnam, including the CBU-55 cluster bomb, developed by the US Naval Weapons Center. Though seldom used, the 340 kg air-dropped CBU-55 was fuelled mainly by propane.
CBU-55 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The CBU-55 was a cluster bomb Fuel Air Explosive that was developed during the Vietnam War, by the United States Army, and was used only once in warfare. Unlike most incendiaries, which contained napalm or phosphorus, the 750 pound CBU-55 was fueled primarily by propane.
CBU-55 - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The CBU-55 was a cluster bomb incendiary device that was developed during the Vietnam War, by the United States Army, and was used only once in warfare. Unlike most incendiaries, which contained napalm or phosphorus, the 750 pound CBU - 55 was fueled by primarily by propane.