cbug | Multi Theft Auto | Community
* Auto-Reload Clip: This will Auto-Reload the Ammo in Clip whenever you shoot, deagle supported only. * Extra Fast Fire: This allowing you to shoot faster with (Sniper and Shotgun). * Shot Effects: This will adds some effect when shooting with deagle. Note: Make sure the resource name is 'cbug' or it won't work. e report any problem you find....
Cbug \ [ ._.]/ - GamerX Forums
2018年1月31日 · Consider replacing the aim button with Q, sprint with RMB and jump with space bar and then try to cbug as it will let you control your aim better although you will not be able to rapid fire 1 like Comment
[SAMP]FasterCBug.exe - bypass Anti-Cbug in 0.3z - YouTube
2014年2月24日 · Just run the file and press the buttons,make sure that your Gta Sa is running.Dont know what to do?AIM, SHOT, RELEASE AIM, AIM, SHOT, RELEASE AIM, repeat thi...
[Tutorials] How to C bug good with weapons Deagle
2017年1月22日 · I want to share about how to make a good cbug with weapons Deagle, I do not know you know about it or do not know. but it will be good for you to perform cbug passion. I changed some settings in-game, to have a perfect cbug. You can follow video :
Noe's Cbug (Unprofessional Cbug) - YouTube
2020年9月17日 · Aim + Shoot + C make sure you'll make it fast to make your cbug fast and clean.
FAST C-bug help : r/samp - Reddit
2020年4月23日 · I need some help and tips with fast c-bug, I can do it fast, but I somehow miss a lot of shoots. Any pros willing to help a brother?
MacrosAHK/cbug.ahk at main · dernaut/MacrosAHK - GitHub
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
[TUTORIAL] How to Cbug fast - SAMP - YouTube
ASI - Faster Cbug - SAMP MODS
Función: Apretas la ''Q'' y cbugea, primero inicias el gta y cuando logueas minimizas y en el programa le das a ''ON'' a donde dice FasterCBug.
[Include] Automatic Anti-CBug / CBug Detector Include - BLAST
2015年1月8日 · This script will check the intervals between certain weapon's shots. If a player is shooting too fast, hes obviously cbugging. Depending on the settings, the include then calls the OnPlayerCBug callback, and/or automatically removes the extra bullets bullets from the game.