2019年10月23日 · Get my daily workouts, track your nutrition, connect with like-minded individuals in our community, get exclusive discounts on merch, and more… ️ https://www.stndrd.app/...more.
Chris Bumstead - Wikipedia
Bumstead is the winner of the 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 Mr. Olympia competitions, making him the current reigning champion in the Men's Classic Physique division and the single most decorated competitor in the Classic Physique division of the Mr. Olympia competition..
Mr. Olympia 2019 Results, Winners, & Surprises - Old School Labs
2019年9月15日 · One of the biggest upsets of the 2019 Olympia weekend was Chris Bumstead defeating two time champion Breon Ansley for the Classic Physique Olympia title. Chris was incredibly lean and ripped this year, with his massive and ripped quads being very strong points of his physique, and of course his stunning vacuum pose looked better than ever.
2019 vs 2020 transformation from Cbum. It’s safe to say he ... - Reddit
Truthfully, even with steroids, if you don’t have great genetics and the drive, you won’t get to Cbum’s level. As we all know, to get your IFBB pro card you need to enhance if you want to do that dance! 💪🏻🤓
【六連霸太神了!最高殿堂最後一舞光榮退役,一起來看看CBum …
2024年10月15日 · 今年奧林匹亞健美先生金牌CBum ,從2019年開始稱霸古典健美,到今年2024年已連霸六屆,並在今年宣布退役,他曾罹患伯傑氏症,嚴重影響他的腎功能,但他還是非常自律的訓練,甚至稱霸了六屆,快來看看這位健身「巨」星的故事吧!
In Pics: Chris Bumstead AKA CBum's Mr Olympia Classic Physique …
2024年10月13日 · At Joe Weider's Mr Olympia in Resorts World in Las Vegas, Chris Bumstead or CBum was able to secure his sixth straight win in the Classic Physique category. The Canadian professional bodybuilder defeated Mike Sommerfeld, Urs Kalecinski, Ramon Queiroz and Breon Ansley to secure the win and announced his retirement right after winning.
Chris Bumstead (CBum) – Complete Profile: Training, Diet, Height ...
2024年10月14日 · Chris Bumstead, known around the world as ‘Cbum,’ was a highly dominant IFBB Classic Physique bodybuilder from Canada who recently retired from the sport. He is the current reigning five-time Classic Physique Olympia (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024). This is his complete profile, biography, training regimen, diet plan, and more.
Bodybuilding - CBUM - La Biographie - teamelfit.com
2024年11月2日 · En 2019, Cbum remporte son premier titre de Mr. Olympia Classic Physique, marquant le début d'une série de victoires sans précédent. Depuis lors, il a continué à dominer la compétition, remportant six titres consécutifs de Mr. Olympia entre 2019 et 2024. L' évolution physique de Chris Bumstead est stupéfiante.
CBUM 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023 & 2024 - YouTube
#bodybuilding #motivation #mrolympia #classicphysique #cbum #chrisbumstead
The Classic King Steps Down - Generation Iron
2024年10月13日 · Bumstead, known to his millions of fans as “Cbum,” has dominated the Classic Physique division since winning his first title in 2019. Over the years, his aesthetics, symmetry, and dedication to maintaining the golden-era physique ideals have earned him a cult following.