CC-15 - Clear-Com
The CC-15 headset is compatgible with all DX digital wireless systems (DX100, DX121, DX210, DX340ES, and DX410). Impedance: 40 Ohms + 15% (1kHz) Max Power: 100mW (2.0V RMS) Frequency Range: 20Hz - 20kHz (-15dB/1kHz) Output SPL: 106dB = +2.0dB. Input: 1mW (0.2V RMS) Weight: 6oz (170g) without cable, 8.1oz (230g) with cable.
The CC-15 and CC-30 are lightweight over-the-ear headsets with electret microphone and XLR (F) 4 connection for use with beltpacks and panels. Electret microphones offer more gain over dynamic microphones, for situations
Clear-Com CC-15-X4 Electret Single Ear Headset with XLR Female …
2024年8月6日 · This item: Clear-Com CC-15-X4 Electret Single Ear Headset with XLR Female 4-Pin . $330.00 $ 330. 00. In stock. Usually ships within 3 to 4 days. Ships from and sold by AVLGEAR. + Pro Gaffer Gaffers Tape, 2 in x 55 yd, Black.
Clear-Com CZ11450 CC-15-MD4 Headset - Full Compass Systems
Clear-Com's CZ11450 is a CC-15-MD4 single-ear headset with noise-cancelling electret microphone and Mini-DIN connector for use with the Clear-Com DX Series wireless intercom systems (sold separately). This model uses an Electret microphone, with Mini DIN connector.
Clear-Com CC-15-MD4 Single-Ear Intercom Headset with Mini …
The Clear-Com CC-15 is a single-ear headset with noise-cancelling microphone and Mini DIN connector for DX Series wireless intercom systems. Features: Single-ear medium-weight headset for DX Series wireless intercom
Amazon.com: Lp-cc-15 Fuse
Bussmann LP-CC-15 15 Amp Low-Peak Time Delay Current Limiting Class CC Rejection Cartridge Fuse, 600V UL Listed by Bussmann
Bussmann LP-CC-15 (LPCC-15, BP/LP-CC-15, LP-CC-15BC) 15 …
2012年6月14日 · Bussmann LP-CC-15 (LPCC-15, BP/LP-CC-15, LP-CC-15BC) 15 Amp (15A) 600V Midget,Time Delay, Current Limiting Class CC Rejection Cartridge Fuses Brand: Bussmann 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars 2 ratings
- 评论数: 2
更新[亚洲风SLG/动态] 社会生活 Shakai Seikatsu v0.15.0 汉化版 …
2025年3月8日 · v0.15.0 Akane:在活动 #4 中,如果你发现自己陷入困境,解决方法也很简单。 你只需要获得 300 点信任点数,并在满足所有先决条件后购买燕尾服; 然后,下午去学习,约她出去。 Akane:事件 #5 的解释有误。要修复或激活事件,您必须执行以下操作:
BUSSMANN, Time Delay, 15 A, UL Class CC Fuse - Grainger
Time delay UL Class CC fuses won't blow when exposed to temporary inrush currents, which prevents nuisance-blowing from motor and equipment startups. Also called slow-blow UL Class CC fuses, they open to disconnect an electrical circuit when exposed to …
Clear-Com CZ11513 4-Up DX210 System with CC-15-MD4 Headsets
The HME DX210 simply and seamlessly blends wireless intercom performance with wired intercom systems. It's paired with the rugged BP210 belt pack (4) and CC-15-MD Headset (5). Operating in the 2.4 GHz band, the DX210 delivers sound clarity and enables interference-free communication for highly demanding productions. Includes