CC41 - Utility Label - Vintage Fashion Guild
CC41 also known as the Utility Label, was used in Great Britain as a result of wartime shortages in WWII and the period immediately following. Rationing of clothing went into effect in June, 1941, and strict manufacturing standards were drawn up limiting the amount of fabric, fasteners and trims that could be used in each garment.
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Vintage 1940s CC41 Kangol Beret Cream White Hat 10 1/2" …
Shop Women's Kangol White Size OS Hats at a discounted price at Poshmark. Description: Vintage 1940s CC41 Kangol Beret Cream White Hat 10 1/2" Crown Some peeling to the interior letters and two small flaws on the exterior. See photos. Approx 7" radius. Sold by helloearthvtg. Fast delivery, full service customer support.
其正名是"CC41",代表“实用服装1941”(Civilian Clothing 41)。 二战开打在1939年9月,很迅速的英国国内就出现了严重的通货膨胀,各种资源和劳动力都全面供应战场,结果就是广大人民没东西吃,没东西穿了,那怎么办呢?
1940s Utility Clothing - Fashion-Era
2018年7月24日 · Finally they were finished off with the official and now famous CC41 (Clothing Control 1941) label designed by the commercial artist Reginald Shipp. Utility designs followed the square shouldered and short skirted fashions of the war era whilst sticking to the strict regulations for minimal cloth usage.
Stamp of approval | Vintage Clothing - The Collector's Companion
CC41 Utility was created by the British Board of Trade to certify that clothing, furniture, footwear and textiles met austerity regulations during and after World War Two. Austerity regulations in clothing began in early 1940 with the Utility mark being introduced in …
2020年12月10日 · 『CC41』 ヴィンテージのお好きな方なら一度は見たことあるかと思うこのマーク。 正式名称はcivilon clothing(民間衣料品) 41. こちらを略したのがCC41。 第二次世界大戦時に物資が不足がおき、
CC41 - Utility Clothing of the 1940s - Candy Says Vintage …
Below is the standard CC41 label (left) next to the luxury utility label (right). Clothing rationing ended on March 15th 1949, so after this date utility labels were no longer used in garments. A more extravagant era of fashion was starting to emerge as the 1950s arrived, ushered in by Dior's groundbreaking 'New Look' collection of 1947.
CC41とはイギリスで1941年から戦時中の物資不足のなか一定の規格を設けて企画を通ったものにCC41というマークを付けてお墨付きの物資として販売されたものです。 CC41はControlled Commodity(1941年~規制品の略です)衣類や家具などにそのマークがついているものは今でもコレクターの人気のヴィンテージです。 こちらはリネンのシーツです。 上質のリネンです。 折山が少し汚れているもののとてもいい状態です。 洗えば綺麗になりますが、折角のCC41で …
What Is A CC41 Dress .. The Fascinating Facts - Rock n Romance
2022年8月25日 · CC41 designated that the item met the government's austerity regulations. The government introduced Limitation of Supply Orders that forced manufacturers to produce only a fraction of their pre-war amounts. By April 1940, the limits on cloth were having a major impact with a 25% cut in wool and rayon, and a 75% cut in linen. As a consequence ...