4-1BB(CD137):T细胞共同刺激又一重要靶标 - 知乎
利用配体4-1BBL或激活型4-1BB单抗激活4-1BB,可刺激T细胞和抗原提呈细胞增殖并分泌细胞因子,提高机体的抗肿瘤免疫应答水平。 4-1BB又名 CD137,和 OX40 同属肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)受体家族的成员,由 肿瘤坏死因子受体超家族 成员9(TNFRSF9)基因编码。 人4-1BB位于染色体1p36,全长255aa,包含17aa信号肽、169aa的胞外区、27aa跨膜区(p.187–213)和42aa的胞内区。 小鼠4-1BB位于小鼠4号染色体75.5 cM位置,与人4-1BB大 …
CD137/4-1BB I 肿瘤免疫治疗热门靶点 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
通过cd137l或激动剂单抗干扰活化cd8+t细胞上的cd137可以保护抗原特异性细胞毒性t淋巴细胞凋亡,增强效应功能,并有利于持久性和记忆分化。 激动剂抗体 在小鼠模型中发挥强大的抗肿瘤作用,此外,CD137信号域在 嵌合抗原受体 (CAR)中至关重要。
CD137 / CD137 ligand signalling regulates the immune balance …
CD137/CD137 ligand (CD137L) signalling primarily induces a potent cell-mediated immune response, while signalling of cell surface-expressed CD137L into antigen presenting cells enhances their activation, differentiation and migratory capacity.
肿瘤免疫明星靶点之CD137:双抗及Combo策略 - 健康界
2021年6月3日 · 在一个临床前小鼠模型中,靶向cd3/cea和cd137l/fap的双特异性分子的组合显示出协同抗肿瘤作用,相比cd3/cea双特异性抗体的单独作用,联合应用伴随着肿瘤中cd8+t细胞的显著增加。
CD137 and CD137L signals are main drivers of type 1, cell …
CD137 ligand (CD137L) is expressed by antigen presenting cells (APC), and CD137L reverse signaling into APC enhances their activity. CD137–CD137L interactions as main driver of type 1, cell-mediated immune responses explains the puzzling observation that CD137 agonists which enhance antitumor immune responses also ameliorate autoimmune diseases.
Frontiers | The Murine CD137/CD137 Ligand Signalosome: A …
2020年12月9日 · CD137, a member of the TNFR family, is a costimulatory receptor, and CD137L, a member of the TNF family, is its ligand. Studies using CD137- and CD137L-deficient mice and antibodies against CD137 and CD137L have revealed the diverse and paradoxical effects of these two proteins in various cancers, autoimmunity, infections, and inflammation.
CD137 (4-1BB) stimulation leads to metabolic and functional ... - Nature
2021年5月21日 · CD137 HI (GH) monocytes displayed a distinct phenotypic, transcriptomic, and metabolic profile. They possessed an increased phagocytic capacity enabling superior antibody-dependent phagocytosis...
Is CD137 Ligand (CD137L) Signaling a Fine Tuner of Immune …
2015年6月25日 · CD137L signaling has been relatively well characterized in the process of inflammation, hematopoiesis, and immune tolerance. It is becoming clear that CD137L signaling is critical in multiple steps during the progression of inflammation (3).
CD137L-DCs, Potent Immune-Stimulators-History, Characteristics, …
2019年10月2日 · CD137L-DCs are a novel type of monocyte-derived inflammatory DCs that are induced by CD137 ligand (CD137L) agonists. CD137L is expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, including monocytes, and signaling of CD137L into monocytes induces their differentiation to CD137L-DCs.
MD Simulation Reveals a Trimerization-Enhanced Interaction of CD137L …
2025年2月22日 · The clinical value of immunotherapies underscores the potential of CD137L/CD137 as an effective target for bo … CD137 is a prominent costimulatory molecule of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily that activates T cells through a complex bidirectional signaling process involving CD137L.