CD16 - Wikipedia
CD16, also known as FcγRIII, is a cluster of differentiation molecule found on the surface of natural killer cells, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and certain T cells. [1] [2] CD16 has been identified as Fc receptors FcγRIIIa (CD16a) and FcγRIIIb (CD16b), which participate in signal transduction. [3]
(一)FcγR(CD64、CD32、CD16) - 《细胞和分子免疫学》正文 …
(3)FcγRⅢ(CD16):50~70kDa糖蛋白,属Ig超家族成员,有2个C2结构,基因染色体位于1q23~24。 识别CD16代表性的McAb有HUNK2、Leu11、3G8、Gran1和B73.1等。 FcγRⅢ结合人IgG、IgG3,为低亲和力受体。
免疫学基础:一文读懂用于细胞鉴定的CD分子 - 知乎
在nk细胞上,cd160主要表达在细胞毒亚群中(cd56dim/cd16+),增强细胞活化和细胞毒能力,启动ifn-γ、il-6、il-8、tnf-α等分泌。 CLL中有些B细胞可表达CD160,从而增强细胞存活和活化,导致IL-6产生。
CD16:免疫研究与治疗的未来之星 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
作为免疫球蛋白超家族(IgSF)的成员,CD16可以结合IgG抗体的Fc片段,在免疫应答中发挥多重作用:启动吞噬、激发呼吸爆以及诱导抗体依赖的细胞毒性(ADCC),从而成为抗癌和抗病毒免疫防御中的核心角色。 CD16通过两种基因形式进行表达:FcγRIIIa(CD16a) 和 FcγRIIIb(CD16b)。 主要存在于 NK细胞 和单核细胞上,是一种整合膜蛋白。 虽然本身不具有信号转导能力,但借助带有ITAM的信号链,可以结合抗体Fc片段,引发ADCC,裂解肿瘤细胞 …
NK细胞的单细胞层面细分亚群 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
因为早期免疫细胞主要是靠流式细胞仪来分选,而他们依赖于课题,在NK单细胞亚群里面主要是CD56和CD16,其实对应的基因名字是NCAM1和FCGR3A ,它们在单细胞转录组表达量矩阵里面降维聚类分群后也可以看到是有表达量的排斥作用。
(一)FcγR(CD64、CD32、CD16) - 中医世家
(3)FcγRⅢ(CD16):50~70kDa糖蛋白,属Ig超家族成员,有2个C2结构,基因染色体位于1q23~24。 识别CD16代表性的McAb有HUNK2、Leu11、3G8、Gran1和B73.1等。 FcγRⅢ结合人IgG、IgG3,为低亲和力受体。
CD16:在免疫治疗中的关键角色与技术创新 - 百度
2024年8月2日 · CD16,作为免疫球蛋白Fcγ受体家族的重要成员,是连接适应性免疫与固有免疫系统的桥梁之一,特别是在自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)介导的免疫应答中发挥着核心作用。 随着生物技术和免疫学研究的不断深入,CD16的功能机制及其在免疫治疗中的应用潜力得到了广泛关注。 本文旨在详细探讨CD16的分子结构、功能特性、在ADCC中的具体作用机制,以及基于CD16的免疫治疗策略和技术创新。 1. 分子结构. CD16是一种跨膜糖蛋白,主要分 …
免疫球蛋白Fc段受体 - 丁香通研选
nk细胞表面fcγrⅢa(cd16)可能与cd3ζ或fcεrⅠγ链相连,提示fcεrⅠγ链与cd3复合物中ζ的结构和功能的相似性。 fcεrⅠ主要分布于嗜碱性粒细胞和肥大细胞。 (责任编辑:大汉昆仑王)
请教一下有没有“特异性”的指标能区分M1/M2型的巨噬细胞/小胶质 …
(3)FcγRⅢ(CD16):50~70kDa糖蛋白,属Ig超家族成员,有2个C2结构,基因染色体位于1q23~24。 识别CD16代表性的McAb有HUNK2、Leu11、3G8、Gran1和B73.1等。 FcγRⅢ结合人IgG、IgG3,为低亲和力受体。
CD16 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
CD163 is a high affinity scavenger receptor expressed primarily on the surfaces of monocytes and macrophages [1]. Due to its specificity for the alternative M2 macrophages, it is regarded as a marker for M2 macrophages activation in response to inflammatory stimulation.
Single-cell analyses identify dysfunctional CD16 - PubMed
2020年7月21日 · To identify immune cells affected by smoking, we use single-cell RNA sequencing on peripheral blood from smokers and nonsmokers. Transcriptomes reveal a subpopulation of FCGR3A (CD16)-expressing Natural Killer (NK)-like CD8 T lymphocytes that increase in smokers. Mass cytometry confirms elevated CD16 + CD8 T cells in smokers.
CD16 + monocytes give rise to CD103 + RALDH2 + TCF4
Human blood CD16 + and CD16 − MDDCs exhibit unique ITGAE/CD103 + RALDH2 + TCF4 + and CDH1/E-cadherin + phenotypes, respectively. CD16 + monocytes preserve a unique transcriptional signature during differentiation into DCs, …
FcγR(CD64、CD32、CD16)_《细胞和分子免疫学》_中医杂集书 …
(3)FcγRⅢ(CD16):50~70kDa糖蛋白,属Ig超家族成员,有2个C2结构,基因染色体位于1q23~24。 识别CD16代表性的McAb有HUNK2、Leu11、3G8、Gran1和B73.1等。 FcγRⅢ结合人IgG、IgG3,为低亲和力受体。
CD16+ monocytes give rise to CD103+RALDH2+TCF4
2018年11月13日 · Among C2 canonical pathways, pathways enriched in CD16 + MDDCs were linked to nuclear receptors and T-helper pathways, as well as regulation of interferon α (IFNA) pathway; whereas pathways enriched in CD16 − MDDCs were linked to DNA replication and repair and telomere maintenance (supplemental Figure 4A-B).
CD16 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
CD16 is an IgG Fc receptor (FcγRIIIa) that is expressed on NK cells as well as phagocytes. The primary known function of CD16 in NK cells is activation induced by IgG binding, although an IgG-independent role in activation has been demonstrated [5].
Ligand Binding and Phagocytosis by CD16 (Fc γ Receptor III) …
In this study, CD16A and the two alleles of CD16B have been expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and their ligand binding and phagocytic properties analyzed. The two allelic forms of CD16B showed a similar affinity toward human IgG1. However, the NA1 allele showed approximately 2-fold higher affinity for the IgG3 than the NA2 allele.
CD16 is indispensable for antibody-dependent cellular ... - Nature
2016年9月27日 · CD16, the FcγRIIIA, is essential for ADCC by NK cells, and is also expressed by a subset of human blood monocytes. We found that human CD16− expressing monocytes have a broad spectrum of ADCC...
CD2 Co-activates the CD16-Induced Signaling Pathway in …
Notably, CD16 and co-stimulatory CD2 expression, critical for the superior ability of adaptive NK cells to respond to antibodycoated target cells, 33 remained high enabling potent ADCC responses...
CD16+ and CD16− human blood monocyte subsets ... - Oxford …
2001年12月1日 · Here, we investigated the ability of CD16 + monocytes cultured with granulocyte– macrophage colony-stimulating factor, IL-4 and tumor necrosis factor-α to generate DC in vitro, and we compared them to DC derived from regular CD16 − monocytes. Both monocyte subsets gave rise to cells with DC characteristics.
Emerging roles of SLAMF7 in immune cells and related diseases
4 天之前 · By connecting CD16 on the surface of NK cells with SLAMF7 on the surface of MM cells, elotuzumab can not only further strengthen the SLAMF7-SLAMF7 interactions between NK cells and MM cells, but also promote the ADCC of NK cells. ... which specifically targets the C2 domain located at the proximal end of SALMF7, has demonstrated significant ...