CD24:后起之秀,没有血液毒性的天然免疫检查点 - 知乎
1978年,科学家首次发现CD24,即分化簇24(Cluster of differentiation 24),也称为热稳定抗原(heat-stable antigen,HSA),一种高度糖基化的糖基磷脂酰肌醇 (GPI)锚定的膜蛋白。 CD24没有胞内信号结构域,然而,几种信号转导蛋白与CD24活性相关,其中研究最充分的是 Src家族激酶。 CD24信号可影响细胞的增殖和生长,也可通过影响细胞间黏附作用进而促进肿瘤的侵袭和转移。
Nature:癌症免疫疗法新靶点——CD24 - 雪球
2019年8月5日 · CD24,全称为cluster of differentiation 24,又称热稳定抗原,是一种高度糖基化的糖基磷脂酰肌醇锚定表面蛋白,已知与先天免疫细胞上的 Siglec-10 (sialic-acid-binding Ig-like lectin10)相互作用,以抑制响应感染、败血症、肝损伤和慢性移植物抗宿主疾病的破坏性炎症反应。 然而,也有研究显示, CD24表达于多种实体肿瘤 [4-5],但该分子在调节肿瘤免疫反应中的作用尚未被证实。 CD24直接保护癌细胞不被巨噬细胞吞噬(图片来源:Nature) 这项新研究证 …
Targeting CD24 as a novel immunotherapy for solid cancers
2023年11月2日 · Herein, we review the current understanding of the molecular fundamentals of CD24, the role of CD24 in tumorigenesis and cancer progression, the possibility as a promising therapeutic target and summarized different therapeutic agents or …
From mechanism to therapy: the journey of CD24 in cancer
CD24 is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein that is expressed in a wide range of tissues and cell types. It is involved in a variety of physiological and pathological processes, including cell adhesion, migration, differentiation, and apoptosis.
Targeting CD24/Siglec-10 signal pathway for cancer …
By combining nanospheres and CD24 antibodies to create a unique antiCD24 nanosphere, the CD24/Siglec-10 signaling pathway is blocked, which regulates CD24 degradation and partially recovers the macrophages' capacity to phagocytose tumor cells.
CD24 signalling through macrophage Siglec-10 is a target for ... - PubMed
Genetic ablation and therapeutic blockade of CD24 resulted in a macrophage-dependent reduction of tumour growth in vivo and an increase in survival time. These data reveal CD24 as a highly expressed, anti-phagocytic signal in several cancers and demonstrate the therapeutic potential for CD24 blockade in cancer immunotherapy.
Unravelling CD24‐Siglec‐10 pathway: Cancer immunotherapy …
A CD24-deficient version of the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 was created in order to study the possible function of CD24 and Siglec-10 signalling in controlling the immune response mediated by macrophages against malignancies.
A novel platform for attenuating immune hyperactivity using EXO‐CD24 …
We have developed a new anti‐inflammatory drug, EXO‐CD24, a combination of an immune checkpoint (CD24) and a delivery platform (exosomes). CD24 inhibits the NF‐kB pathway and the production of cytokines/chemokines.
Novel insights into the function of CD24: A driving force in cancer
2021年2月1日 · In the present review, we summarize recent progress on the role of the CD24-Siglec-10 binding axis at the interface between tumor cells and the immune system, and the role of CD24 genetic polymorphisms in cancer. We describe the specific function of cytoplasmic CD24 and discuss the presence of CD24 on tumor-released extracellular vesicles.
Novel insights into the function of CD24: A driving force in cancer
2020年8月13日 · CD24 crosslinking with mAbs can induce a variety of effects in mouse and human cells. In mouse myeloid cells 54 or lymphocytes, 61 integrin-mediated cell binding can be induced.