Use of CD45 gating in three and four‐color flow cytometric ...
2002年12月26日 · With the increased adoption of three and four-color flow cytometry as the preferred methodology in determining patients' CD4 and CD8 T-cell counts, it has become apparent that a gating strategy that integrates the bright CD45 cells reduces interlaboratory and intralaboratory variability.
Introduction to Flow Cytometric Analysis | Flow Cytometry
Initial Gating. CD45 is a very important anchor marker because, in conjuction with Side Scatter (or Forward Scatter), it allows one to identify most of the important populations on a single plot. By placing CD45 in each tube, one can make consistent gates for the different cell populations across all samples. a.
Flow cytometry CD45 gating for immunophenotyping of acute …
We show that the CD45/SSC gating procedure improved phenotypic determination of the blast cells in three ways: (1) by discriminating between leukemic blast cells and residual normal cells; (2) by excluding normal cells from the phenotypic analysis of leukemic blast cells; and (3) by identifying blast cell heterogeneity in many cases of leukemia ...
我又找到了一本流式细胞指南,给你们讲一讲设门(Gating)的这 …
还有一种常用的方法,就是回送设门(Backgating),用于鉴别细胞,以确定染色模式或门控法。 这个就主要是先通过染色进行设门,然后再分析FSC和SSC的散射图: 还是这个全血在红细胞溶解后的散射图,细胞量多,也有点乱。 这个时候,就先通过抗原抗体染色进行筛选,比如我们在这里选择CD3(T细胞标志物)和CD15(单核细胞和粒细胞标志物),通过这个进行设门。 然后原有高背景散射图,就变成了这样: 现在大概知道啥是流式细胞的设门了吧? 好了,今天就先策到 …
Use of CD45 fluorescence and side-scatter characteristics for gating ...
1996年3月15日 · We propose that lymphocytes be gated using CD45 fluorescence as well as side-scattering properties and that CD3 also be included in each data analysis tube for quality control. The light-scatter characteristics of lymphocytes are commonly used to gate lymphocytes for further analysis in a lysed whole-blood assay.
Beginner Gating Strategies to Start Analyzing Your Flow …
2024年10月8日 · Using the CD45 marker to delineate between white blood cells and non-leukocyte, resident tissue cells, is extremely useful as a preliminary gate. One other reason why you should include CD45 in your panel if you are looking at immune cells is because it can be highly useful as a denominator when reporting proportions of different cell types.
We show that the CD45/SSC gating pro-cedure improved phenotypic determination of the blast cells in three ways: (1) by discriminating between leukemic blast cells and residual normal cells;...
Innate Lymphoid Cell Gating Strategies for Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry is essential for the study of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs). It allows multiparameter analysis of cell populations based on the expression of specific cell surface and/or intracellular molecules.
[CD45-gating for flow cytometric immunophenotyping of leukemia]
"CD45-SSC gating" is a reliable and easy method to subclassify leukemia. Three-color staining, which is able to analyze the expression among two related antigens, not only be helpful in leukemia diagnosis but also contribute to study the occurrence, development and prognosis of …
Affordable CD4+-T-Cell Counting by Flow Cytometry: CD45 Gating …
Our study reveals the practical advantages of volumetric two-color flow cytometry with CD45/CD4 and CD45/CD8 staining using generic MAbs. Volumetric cytometers, equipped with biosamplers of high capacity, Microsoft Windows-based autogating software, and reporting systems, efficiently handle 300 to 400 samples during a working day.