The clinical importance of CD4+ CD7- in human diseases
Several studies indicate that the number of CD4 + CD7 - T cells increases in diseases such as chronic inflammation and T-cell malignancies, these being skin inflammatory lesions. …
The CD7− subset of CD4+ memory T cells is prone to accelerated ...
2001年5月1日 · In the present study we report that CD4 + CD7 − T cells from the peripheral blood are prone to an increased rate of spontaneous apoptosis in vitro compared to CD4 + CD7 + T …
CD4/CD8、CD4的意义及正常值 - 丁香园论坛 - DXY.cn
由于hiv的攻击对象正是人体的cd4细胞,因此cd4记数能够直接反映人体免疫功能,是提供hiv感染患者免疫系统损害状况最明确的指标。 CD4细胞的绝对计数通常会随生理情况的不同而有较 …
CD4+ CD7- T cells: a separate subpopulation of memory T cells?
Current in vitro results suggest that specific downregulation of CD7 antigen expression in T cells reflects a separate and stable differentiation state occurring late in the immune response. …
The clinical importance of CD4 + CD7 − in human diseases
Various functions have been proposed for CD7, including its role in the activation and intercellular adhesiveness of T cells. Several studies indicate that the number of CD4 + CD7 − T cells …
CD7分子的基础及其免疫靶向治疗在血液系统恶性疾病中的研究进 …
CD7分子是T系祖细胞分化成熟的早期表面标志物,并且其表达早于CD2、CD3、CD4、CD8及T细胞受体(T cell receptor,TCR) 。研究结果显示,CD7分子不仅表达于T细胞,而且在NK细胞 …
CD4+CD7− T Cells: A Separate Subpopulation of Memory T Cells?
A number of molecules thought to be involved in organ-specific T cell homing are preferentially expressed within the subset of CD4 + CD7 − T cells. Specific absence of CD7 antigen …
CD7 protein plays a crucial role in T cell infiltration in tumors
Most CD7-negative T cells were effector memory cells. Moreover, CD7 expression in CD4 + naïve T cells is reportedly two-fold higher than that in CD4 + memory cells . However, compared to …
常说的CD3,CD4,CD8,CD19,CD34,CD45 是什么? - 知乎专栏
CD分子(cluster of differentiation)应用以 单克隆抗体 (McAb)鉴定为主的聚类分析方法,将来自不同实验室的单克隆抗体所识别的同一分化抗原、其编码基因及其分子表达的细胞种类均鉴 …
【研究报告】CD7靶点:清君侧 - 健康界
2022年8月22日 · CD7 (T细胞抗原7,又称作GP40,TP41,LEU-9)是一种单链跨膜糖蛋白,40kDa,,包含240个氨基酸残基,属于免疫球蛋白超家族成员。 CD7通常表达于85%的外 …